The economics local to the system on top of the payment platforms available to users through Stripes interface allows you to buy and sell products of any kind digital or otherwise by negotiation and credit card payment, well that local system on top of that functions with advertisers in a way that promotes community participation, and a sense of reward for access to higher tiered prices of communities with more ability to spend for the clicks for the ads. It's a cyclical recurisve improvement that outscales complexity allowing for greater value to be made on site than elsewhere over repeated use-cases. So long as there remains an interest in the site it will continue to increase the value gained by people participating in the network and clicking on links on the site. As link clicks are charged at a cost to the advertsier, the network is built out of repeat usage and continued participation. The great thing about it is that it is essentially a series of it's own private community discussion boards that can have moderated language curtailing in one particular way or another, to foster a gained sense of a variety of information. Once passing through the network it is felt that one should be inspired to create communities of their own, and to detail stories of archetypes and symbolism that unlock increasing layers of mysticism over the natural world and the patterns they choose to see in it. With increasing layers of Artificial Intelligence the way we curate our fiction will dictate how we live in the non-fiction.
To clone BabylonPolice use the following code in git:
git clone
git clone