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2024-11-17 - Thinking of ways to help new users.
2024-11-16 - A different approach.
2024-11-09 - Time stolen away.
2024-01-28 - Asking myself where to go from here.
2023-11-04 - Taking down notes.
2023-11-03 - On using the IRC and learning something new.
2023-10-29 - I learned about sftp, get, and put.
2023-10-28 - I learned about scp.
2023-10-26 - There's never enough time... I should be taking down notes.
2023-10-25 - Failed project and WSL discovery.
Gemkerkerkruip - The roguelike text adventure KerkerKruip by Victor Gijsbers and others. Announcement found on bbs.geminispace.org/s/discovieries