One week later with the smartphone experiment

15 December 2024


A good while ago, perhaps a week or just a tad more, I decided I was spending way too much time on my smartphone. I deleted most of the time wasters, such as social media apps, games, ereaders, and I severely neutered YouTube. The hope was to take control of how I spend my time, and not be robbed of it anymore.

How it's going

I think I'm fine, I guess? I've been able to use my phone as a phone, and stay off of it, for the most part. I still use the banking app, I text my family, and I use YouTube to figure things out --without going into an endless hole of video watching.

It was very isolating, at first. There was a constant need to get something from my phone, but that wasn't going to happen. I don't miss using my phone as much anymore. Subjectively, I feel a heaviness off of me, and I'm sure that has to do with not watching news and pundit videos. However, as mentioned in another post, I've been diving more into Geminispace a lot. For good or bad, it's slowly filling up that void I'm feeling.

I do have more time on my hands, and I need to be more responsible with how I'm going to handle it. I wanted to read more, continue with a tutorial, and try my hand at writing. I also have a honey-do-list that'll take years to make the wife happy. So, while giving up the smartphone obsession gave me more time, it didn't automatically make me more productive.

I guess I'll continue on,
