Comment by LowkeyMisomaniac on 04/04/2024 at 04:07 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

View submission: Collective narcissism is still pathology; the fallacy of referencing normative behavior in sick societies in psychological defenses against international failure, collective male narcissism and sexism, threatedness of male narcissists to women leaders and their deeper links to their societies

Omg thank you so much OP. I’m currently working on a paper dealing with authoritarian populism in Eastern Europe and this is so helpful regarding the collective narcissism angle!


Comment by theconstellinguist at 04/04/2024 at 13:20 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Thanks. Yes, communism is great for getting off antisocial narcissists. Then converting to anarchism is great for getting off the communal narcissists that technique didn't quite cook away. By the end of it you're 100% narcissist free. I think the biggest joke I've ever seen was Bob Avakian fans growing narcissistically enraged and competing with me on their capitalist brand by putting posters everywhere next to mine went instead of just donating. **Spoke for itself about Bob Avakian's hypocrisy, narcissistic rage, jealousy and impotence. Nothing he said on that poster spoke louder than the fact his followers and/or he did that.** Not only does it say stalking and narcissistic rage, but it speaks for itself about its inability to generate revolution because guy's a staunch brand capitalist. It's like....that's why your little revolution isn't working, you grow narcissistically enraged about your brand like damn Nike. Sit down Bob.