Comment by theconstellinguist on 01/02/2024 at 22:15 UTC

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View submission: Collective narcissism is still pathology; the fallacy of referencing normative behavior in sick societies in psychological defenses against international failure, collective male narcissism and sexism, threatedness of male narcissists to women leaders and their deeper links to their societies

1. Male collective narcissism and in-group satisfaction were positively correlated. Both were positively associated with traditional gender beliefs and sexism, but unlike collective narcissism, in-group satisfaction was not related to precarious manhood

2. **This suggests that the role of other social identifications as predictors of sexism should be also considered.** 1. **“I was raised Catholic/am Catholic and enjoy the benefits of sexism that brings to me as a man in my family and social environment.” (even if the person is not actively Catholic)**


1. Interestingly, political conservatism was positively associated with collective narcissism and all three forms of religious identification only among women but not among men. Tolerance of violence against women and religious fundamentalism were higher among men than women.

2. **It should be noted inerrancy is not established by use of force, Use of force is completely dependent on the force available to established inerrancy (can run out of energy and be errant at any time); force is not infinite and inextinguishable, energy is finite, especially energy of a forceful sort, showing a fundamental logical error in fundamentalism.**

1. This means that men and women tolerate violence against women when they endorse Catholic collective narcissism

1. Those results are in line with findings indicating that women internalize benevolent sexism (Sibley et al. 2007a[1], b[2], 2009[3]).

2. National narcissism predicted acceptance of violence against women. 1. In line with Hypothesis 3, the results of Study 3 indicate that across genders, national collective narcissism is a unique predictor of all forms of sexism in comparison to national in-group satisfaction.




1. ***The profundity of this result should not be minimized. All of these collective narcissisms are premised on subjugation, specifically the subjugation of women.***

2. The present results converge to indicate that sexism is embedded in several social identities provided that their content is defined by collective narcissism: a belief that the in-group is exceptional but not sufficiently recognized by others (Golec de Zavala et al. 2009[4], 2019[5])

3. Male collective narcissism was associated with sexism via a sequential mediation of precarious manhood and traditional gender beliefs that predicted hostile and benevolent sexism. **Thus, collective narcissism among men was associated with uncertainty regarding their social status related to an attempt to ground it in traditional gender beliefs promoting male dominance over women.**

4. **The more “self” based maleness is “I am a man because I am a man” (meaningless and non-analytical), the more men would seek out enforcing it through misogynistic and other hierarchy beliefs.**

5. They indicate that the more they feel uncertain about their status men may seek to stabilize it by adhering to beliefs that justify existing gender inequalities.

6. **If there is a stable definition, this is less likely to happen.**

7. **Stable definition: “A man is someone who identifies as male, irregardless of whether or not people attack him as such to enforce gender roles.” (non social-comparative and therefore non-narcissistic)**

8. **Thus male narcissism is more likely to prevail in societies that do not accept trans men as real men in the same way they don’t accept cis men as real men unless showing certain conditions.**

9. The present results elucidate that male collective narcissism is associated with sexism and endorsement of gender inequality when men feel their masculinity is threatened.



1. This suggests that the more women seek emancipation, the more this may trigger hostility and resistance of collectively narcissistic men who are uncertain of their status because **the very infrastructure of their beliefs depends on the “fuel” of subjugated women who are not maximizing their self-interest.**

2. They resent there will be less subjugating situations to witness that reinforce the masculinity they are deeply unsure of. 1. This may be disguised in addiction to porn, gore porn from femicidal and/or third world countries, or other types of porn that include the humiliation of women. **In fact, it is just fuel for male narcissism to “earn the rent of maleness” each day.**

1. Although religious collective narcissism and religious fundamentalism are associated with acceptance of domestic violence toward women with almost equal strength, intrinsic religious orientation is associated with opposition to domestic violence against women.

2. Selecting for internal religiosity is therefore in the interest of heterosexual women; selecting that the man in question views things as actually holy in some facet of their life.


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