2 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)
View submission: Short morning practice/intention advice?
Ty so much!! Sort of off-topic question, but I’m not able to do full prostrations because of a health condition - do you know if there is a particular way people modify standing bows when it’s time for full bows? Like do I put my palms up while bowing instead of my palms together in front of me?
Comment by gregorja at 18/01/2025 at 21:40 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
You’re welcome! This[1] video demonstrates how to bow from a standing and seated position. But (as mentioned in the video) what is most important is the sincerity of the bow. A gentle seated or standing bow done with an open heart is just fine! 🙏🏽
1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_Pa4q6LcEx8&pp=ygURaG93IHRvIGJvdyBpbiB6ZW4%3D