Comment by Comfortable-Rise7201 on 12/01/2025 at 21:47 UTC

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View submission: A Couple of Questions Regarding Koans

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You could still make illustrations and maybe even your own aphorisms, but in a way that still communicates your understanding and experience. Koans are made to break our sense of logic and dualistic thinking as assessed by a teacher, but you could still find other ways to represent the underlying teachings and real-world problems that Buddhist practice addresses.

I think it would help to have some experience with a teacher though, either way, and they might even have their own suggestions. Let me know if you ever get to it, I'd be interested in checking it out!


Comment by Erutaerc-Art at 13/01/2025 at 00:39 UTC

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Hey again and thank you! After you sent your resources in the other thread, I found a center that's relatively nearby! I'm super excited to go, and also looking for an online supplement if need be.

I'll let you know if the blog comes into being. I'm thinking of making it a meditation-log kinda thing too. I feel like writing about a meditation after I meditate would be a calming practice.