Comment by Larson_234 on 26/01/2025 at 16:31 UTC

22 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

View submission: Relationship minimalism

Absolutely. I do believe this also comes with age and wisdom. To answer your question - yes. It also affects my diet. I love and appreciate good food but I keep it very simple. I don’t create complicated meals with loads of different ingredients. I eat healthy, delicious, nourishing and simple foods. I keep life simple in all ways. What I own, what I eat and who I give my time to. ♥️


Comment by KATinWOLF at 26/01/2025 at 16:43 UTC

9 upvotes, 1 direct replies

This is the way. And it does have a natural cascade. It starts with less stuff then expands to less food stuffs, less pressure (internally) to respond to requests, which naturally weeds out the problem friends/fam. Then you get to a spot of real peace and start working to protect it.

Some people follow this path way faster than I did. But I came from a pack rat home and have a mother who’s emotionally needy. So it took me a while to sort of sort through all of it and let it cascade. I have been a minimalist about stuff for over 20 years, but the rest of it sort of filtered in much later. And the food one—letting that happen and not clinging to a food horde—has allowed me to lose 85 pounds. I was always an obese person. Now I am not. And it was that slimming down of food intake and learning what that looks like and then being able to apply it and getting the same “rush” from less food that I used to get from over eating with spite. It’s really interesting to watch minimalism move from habit that you cultivated to an entire lifestyle—and bring that peace with it across the board.