3 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)
View submission: Quick Questions on the Baha'i Faith
Ummmmm..... that is a whole lot more thought than I've put into it, honestly. I'm just a simple hot dog vendor.
Comment by rememberjanuary at 26/06/2017 at 15:09 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Well I mean it sort of is the crux of the Faith so I wish more Bahai's thought of it critically instead of just going with the flow of things.
Some members of the UHJ have, respectfully, never done any grass roots in their life. I disagree with the UHJ in principal (not Bahai) but if you're doing it that way might as well go all out and just organize the shit out of everyone.
Mostly though I don't care if money is being wasted proselytizing but at least admit it you know