Comment by rutterkin on 07/09/2014 at 08:29 UTC

307 upvotes, 6 direct replies (showing 6)

View submission: Time to talk

You obviously did this to comply with legal requirements, so why are you hamming up your reasons with all this "deplorable act of flagrant privacy violation" language? That makes you sound like CNN and it certainly adds to the misconception(?) that you are kissing celebrity ass. I believe what you are saying but it would be much more persuasive without all the rhetorically charged language.

Especially since violations of privacy occur on Reddit all the time. Remember the woman with the facial hair? What about the people who get posted in subreddits like /r/cringepics?

A lot of what people find so irritating about this situation is the whole idea of celebrities somehow having ascended untouchable status and that actions that affect them are more of an outrage than ones that affect ordinary people. Your finger-wagging at the people who leaked these photos makes it seem like you don't understand that or aren't sympathetic to it.


Comment by ThrustVectoring at 07/09/2014 at 13:25 UTC

16 upvotes, 0 direct replies

If you want people to believe you took down the fappening for technical and legal reasons, you shouldn't inject your moral judgements about the content into the discussion. That just makes it look like the technical and legal stuff is a smokescreen for the real reason why it got taken down - specifically, that you don't like it.

Comment by Darkdumbledorf at 07/09/2014 at 17:16 UTC*

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Jesus. F-ing Christ, thank you. This is the core of why this pisses me off. I understand they have a responsibility to protect the site legally as best they can, but how DARE the people making their living from the exchange of content (much of which could be called equally "deplorable") wag their fingers and be all holier than thou to the very people providing them that living. Frankly, the OP here really makes me nervous about the future and direction of Reddit, the level of hubris is stunning.

I believe this may be the beginning of a 'Digg' style meltdown.

Comment by cardevitoraphicticia at 07/09/2014 at 12:56 UTC

12 upvotes, 0 direct replies



Comment by [deleted] at 07/09/2014 at 13:26 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Don't forget about the multitude of torrent and p2p related subreddits which actively link to illegal content. Music, movies, tv shows, books. Etc etc

Comment by fruhling at 07/09/2014 at 11:10 UTC

8 upvotes, 0 direct replies

It's just about the lawyers. That's it.

Comment by Pershing48 at 07/09/2014 at 13:03 UTC

-9 upvotes, 1 direct replies

How horrible, for a website to comply with legal requirements. What will become of the internet when websites actually start following the law instead of just giving a wink and nudge to illegal content.

There's a very worrying tone to the comments here that talk about Reddit's hypocrisy where I can't quite tell what they actually want Reddit to do. When you write "but what about /r/dogporn or /r/deadkids?" I can't quite tell if you want Reddit to ban those subreddits or if you want them to remain up.

Just because something illegal happens frequently without consequence, doesn't mean it's right or that it shouldn't be punished when it is investigated.