13 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)
View submission: Curtis Yarvin Says Democracy Is Done. Powerful Conservatives Are Listening.
Ok. I'm glad we have random people online like you on the case instead of all the people who actually spent years getting qualified and becoming an expert in these things.
It's funny how the words of all the hard working educated and experienced scientists are never good enough for you, but random Internet conspiracies and random gut feelings always are more than enough.
Comment by Cautious-Progress876 at 19/01/2025 at 15:33 UTC
0 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Except the US government’s agencies have tipped towards the idea that the virus was from the Wuhan Lab, and a congressional committee found such as well. It’s not conclusive, but it’s not like the idea of a lab origin is just completely out of left field.