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View submission: Do non-binary identities reenforce gender stereotypes?
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Whatever makes you your gender, I don't have it. Like, your gender is strong enough that you identify as the gender opposite what was assigned to you. It clearly has meaning to you. My mom, a cis woman, says she would still be a woman even if she was put in another body, such as a man's body. That's evidence of her gender. I have never had that tether. If you put me in a man's body I wouldn't be any more or less of a man, or woman, than if you made me a computer program.
Comment by cmstyles2006 at 12/01/2025 at 13:04 UTC
9 upvotes, 2 direct replies
See, I think there's people that don't feel a connection between their inner self and that their sex is a man or woman, but would still call themselves a man or woman. Because they view that as being based on sex, and who they are as completely separate from that
Comment by OilAshamed4132 at 12/01/2025 at 14:36 UTC
10 upvotes, 1 direct replies
My body parts decided I’m a woman, and I have thus been socialized as one my entire life. And I’d think that’s true for everyone, even if you don’t enjoy or agree with what society has taught you about your gender.
I feel like that’s an odd way to determine you are non-binary. It may just be evidence that you are more logical and literal. I’m a cis woman, but I agree with you. If I were put in a man’s body, I guess I’d be a man. Because quite literally, I’m a man now…
I think it’s more accurate to say non-binary people do not generally align with gender stereotypes and how society thinks they should behave as a man or woman, and thus identity as non-binary to tell society that they don’t agree.
Comment by open_reading_frame at 12/01/2025 at 19:59 UTC
6 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Hmm, what does it mean for something to make you your gender though? If I like reading smutty romance novels, does that make me a certain gender? If I like lifting weights at the gym, does that make me another gender? Certainly, these are ways of expressing gender but who decides on what gender this is?
Since gender is a social construct can you be gender x in one society and categorized as gender y in another? That would make logical sense.
Comment by flimflam_machine at 14/01/2025 at 13:59 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I don't think that's evidence of her gender. Firstly it's just a thought experiment. Secondly anyone would feel a disconnect if their mind were magically dropped into a different body. Thirdly your mum has a long history of being female, including giving birth, so she's obviously pretty used to it.