Comment by Newberry1337 on 02/12/2024 at 17:22 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

View submission: Feel like crying

It sounds to me like you’re saying that you’re lonely. I get that, and it makes sense. Being a truck driver must be a lonely line of work, no matter how much you like it or how much money you make. Having a good job is important, and being able to support yourself financially is paramount.

But those things, in and of themselves, are only part of our identity as humans being. Even the most curmudgeonly of us humans are still social creatures underneath it all, and companionship in some form or another is an important ingredient of happiness. The fact that you love your dog so much tells me that you get that.

As for how to cure that… you’re right that there’s only so far friends and family can go. It’s great when you’re around them, but once that high of being around them ends, you have to have something else to fill up your life. I know that your work schedule as a truck driver makes it hard to meet new people - something that’s already hard enough as adults.

Would you consider trying dating? It can be a tough gig a lot of times, but if you stick with it you might just find someone to share your time with.

If that doesn’t seem like something you want to try, are there any organizations, charities, or something like that around where you live that you could volunteer some of your time at?

I know that seems a little cliched and can be intimidating from the standpoint of the effort required to maintain the commitment. But sometimes, having something outside of work that makes you feel like you’re having a positive impact can go a long way in helping you redefine yourself as something more than just a guy with a steady job.

It’s hard to know what the best answer is, but something tells me that you may not necessarily be looking for a direct answer. I get the feeling that you just wanted to speak and be heard.

You are heard, my dude. You are recognized, and you’re far from alone in feeling like that sometimes. I hope you have a good work week, and maybe when you’re feeling up for it, try one of the activities above.

Live well, my dude


Comment by First_Egg8255 at 02/12/2024 at 22:48 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I appreciate this