14 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)
View submission: 37F dating after separation, partner with low libido again....
My partner has pointed out similar about previous partners and low sex drive.
I was the first that could match her libido. I was also the only one into health and fitness.
It seems that fitness and health in one's lifestyle may be a good proxy for not having libido/erection issues, while being completely sedentary at our age seems like a recipe for an inevitable dead bedroom after the honeymoon stage.
Comment by gooseandjuice at 27/01/2025 at 03:01 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Oh this is an interesting point. My stbx was a pretty decent gymgoer and healthy eater (i cook healthy food). My current partner was less so in terms of healthy eating until we were together more and he's started getting back into exercising (he's more into martial arts) but willing to try yoga with me.