Comment by Particular_Sale5675 on 10/01/2025 at 17:23 UTC

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View submission: Are some people too jaded to love??

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Some people use love bombing because they feel an intense attraction to someone else. But some people use love bombing to prevent the other person from being able to leave. They will pretend to be 100% committed to the relationship, when in actuality they are not invested at all.

You're both still learning those healthy balances. It's a bit of a silly idea that either one of you is more in or out of the relationship. You are both 100% in an exclusive romantic relationship. How each of you feel and think will be different. Your fears and disappointments will be different. I think the fact that each if you is honest about those feelings is a great sign. You both trust each other enough to be honest, and show vulnerability. And you're both concerned still with how the other person is affected by those conversations.

I'm guessing you still want a certain type of attention/ behavior from him. Ask for it. This isn't a request for him to change though. It is a request for that moment of time, the same way you would initiate a trip to the movies. You know where you're both coming from. So it's you (or him) getting those extra wants/ needs met for a short period of time. You both have real lives to live as well after all. Work, other relationships with friends and family, and alone time etc.


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