Comment by cromstantinople on 03/12/2024 at 14:58 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies (showing 0)

View submission: Biden Pardon Threatens His Legacy—and Democrats’ Fight Against Trump

First off, fuck Murdoch and his WSJ. Secondly, they quote one ‘centrist democrat’ to make the point that Biden is muddying the waters? Give me a break. The WSJ didn’t seem to give a shit about all of Trumps very questionable pardons, including his family member, financial contributors, and even a literal war criminal. It’s articles like these that really show the narrative of giving Trump and his criminal cohort a pass while feigning moral objections to Biden and democrats. As proof, here’s a WSJ article from 2020 talking about trumps pardons in a far less concerned way:


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