Comment by udisneyreject on 03/07/2024 at 16:57 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

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Unfortunately there are a lot of people now that don’t want basic human anatomy to be taught in a couple US state schools, including a university. These states have a lot of home schooling due to religious reasons. I’m not saying religion is bad (cults are tbh), but there’s a reason it is separate from state affairs.

Please vote for the party that upholds education so that the US doesn’t fall behind in upholding basic human education that is understood in other developed countries. It would be a shame for the USA to be known as the American Idiots when our nation was once known for embracing public education and pursuing the betterment of our society and the world.


Comment by [deleted] at 03/07/2024 at 19:44 UTC*

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Fortunately there are multiple parties that do that.

Don't fall for "if you don't vote for one of these then your vote doesn't matter".

Democrats and Republicans are quick to say "while your individual vote won't decide the election, it is a vital part of the larger collection that does, and if enough people think like this then we can win and make progress" but then turn their brain off when confronted with the same logic as to why they should vote third party if they believe that any of the third party's policies are better than their chosen primary party.