24 upvotes, 5 direct replies (showing 5)
View submission: What was this object
I've heard people say that the US education system is bad, before.
Holy shit, it's not bad.... it's HORRIBLE.
I can't imagine even the most moronic person I went to school with thinking *any* of the shit I've read in this thread.
Comment by cryptolyme at 03/07/2024 at 18:08 UTC
19 upvotes, 1 direct replies
if i remember correctly, they tried to teach us all this, but 90% of the class was too busy gossiping or playing on their phones.
Comment by the_siren_song at 03/07/2024 at 18:34 UTC
14 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Alright, my turn. This was in nursing school; everyone involved received a Bachelor’s within the next few months.
Nurse 1: “blah blah blah oxygen is flammable.”
Me: “Oxygen is not flammable blah blah makes other things burn more quickly. A lot more quickly.”
Nurse 2: “something something won’t burn in space. You can take a burning object in space and it is snuffed out.”
Nurse 1: “Umm, there’s oxygen in space.”
Nurse 2: “No there’s not.”
Nurse 1: “If there’s no oxygen in space, how come the sun is still burning?”
Me: “…”
BUT the good news is, I explained “burning” and nuclear fusion on a basic level and the people around me listened. They asked questions. We looked stuff up. All-in-all, it was a wonderful interaction, and I’m very proud of everyone involved💕
Comment by [deleted] at 03/07/2024 at 17:00 UTC
11 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Flip the script there. Think of the dumbest thing you've ever heard someone say. Tell a person in another country about it. That person's response is "wow, the education system in your country is really bad". Does it make sense?
The person in question was told in school that the moon is not a planet as well as most of the stuff mentioned. Not necessarily the tens of moons part, but the rest is taught in every public school.They did not retain that information.
The US education system is really bad but this is not an example of it.
Comment by JennyAnyDot at 04/07/2024 at 13:45 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
BF graduated HS in 1990. Asked him to tape an episode of Star Trek NG (So decades ago this happened)
He decide he wanted to watch the show with me. He started getting angry about all this made up science shit. But the thing he lost his mind over was they saying something was x light years away.
That light is instant and they made that up and why don’t they just use miles. Tried explaining that the light we see from stars is light that happened a very very long time ago. And that in fact that light source (a Sun) might have already burned out of existence 20,000 years ago and we would not see it for a long long time. Like he got really mad and was throwing things saying I was just lying and trying to make him look dumb. Said I was just pretending to be smart. That it was all lies!
Got an apology many many years later. But he still doesn’t trust science. Gave up trying to explain theory vs fact to him also.
Comment by udisneyreject at 03/07/2024 at 16:57 UTC
3 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Unfortunately there are a lot of people now that don’t want basic human anatomy to be taught in a couple US state schools, including a university. These states have a lot of home schooling due to religious reasons. I’m not saying religion is bad (cults are tbh), but there’s a reason it is separate from state affairs.
Please vote for the party that upholds education so that the US doesn’t fall behind in upholding basic human education that is understood in other developed countries. It would be a shame for the USA to be known as the American Idiots when our nation was once known for embracing public education and pursuing the betterment of our society and the world.