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View submission: How to be independent when I'm old?
There are two life period after retirement: the healthy one with lots of free time, and the one where you need frequent care ("old age").
You want a wheelchair-accessible place that is comfortable and easy to maintain and afford. You also want to be a bus ride or walking distance from a small clinic or a hospital (think: doctors, physio, etc).
The "trick" is to make your living costs manageable so you can still afford vegetables and heating in old age. The other "trick" is to keep your social network active and, as you get old, to also befriend people 10-20 years younger.
The habits you make now prepare yourself for aging. So learn to cook, go on daily walks, learn and practice your mobility and sport, keep your mind engaged intellectually, curate your friendships.
That's my retirement plan :)
Comment by complHexx at 27/01/2025 at 11:46 UTC
47 upvotes, 1 direct replies
This is exactly how my grandmother lives. She’s in her 80s and she’s completely independent. She doesn’t need any of my aunts or uncles to help her (my mom and I live across the country so all we can do is FaceTime and check up on her). She grocery shops on her own, drives still, does her own laundry, everything. She also isn’t afraid to ask for help, so when she does need something, she will say something. But for the most part she’s very independent and always has been. And her favorite daily activities has turned into her garden on days she’s not feeling her best and going to the beach when she’s doing great.
Comment by ApprehensiveAnswer5 at 27/01/2025 at 13:16 UTC
13 upvotes, 0 direct replies
This. We bought our first house in 2023 at 42 and 43, and it’s a 3/2, about 1500sqft.
People constantly comment about how “small” it is, lol and I say it’s got plenty of space for our current family (us + two 13yo boys and a dog) and is a great size to grow old in.
There are no stairs, and it’s laid out well.
There is technically a “master suite” that we use as a den that was an addition done and it’s across the house. This is where my mom can come and live eventually if she needs to. Or, if one of us potentially needs caretaker help, that person can live there and have their own small deck and entry area in the backyard, and privacy from the main household.
We are tucked into a quiet neighborhood but a short walk to both main streets, which are right main bus lines as well.
There is a small neighborhood shopping center also walking distance with grocery options, hardware, some dining, bank, and then medical and dental clinics.
There is also a rec center and large park to walk to as well.
There is a library, that is just a smidge too far to consider walkable, but it’s an easy bus ride away.
We will have plenty of options in this neighborhood as we age, to still be able to have things to do and places to go and get items we need, even if we stop driving. Plus, social options and outlets too.