12 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)
I don't have a car so the location was huge. I have a 20min. walk to my 1st job and a 30min. $2.50 bus ride to my second. Plus, grocery, shopping, library, etc. all w/n a 30min. walk from me depending on which direction I walk.
2nd huge factor was no roommates. I was willing to budge on cost a bit to afford a place by myself. I was successful at doing such at a cost that was only $100 over but I make over 3x the rent anyways so ehh.
Finding this place was huge for me. It has changed my whole life around. I was living in this creepy house before that was destroying my sanity. Now, I am free to be myself without anyone saying shit or telling me what they want to do or watch or cook or eat. I get to decide if I go out. I decide when and what I eat. This has led me to lead a healthier lifestyle. I cook more and I keep the space clean. Its enough space for me to manage a cleaning schedule and also small enough to keep me from buying unnecessary things.
Comment by Cha_nay_nay at 24/01/2025 at 11:27 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Hello person. The life of living by yourself is un-matched. So peaceful and absolute bliss
We are waiting for you on "r/LivingAlone" We are right up your alley