7 upvotes, 2 direct replies (showing 2)
View submission: Reminder: Please do not answer questions unless you're old
I don't know whether to be disappointed or pleased that I'm not quite old enough to answer questions on Ask Old People, being (only just) Gen Y.
Comment by toomanychoicess at 06/09/2020 at 10:19 UTC
6 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I am both disappointed and pleased that I made it by the skin of my teeth.
Comment by Delia_G at 06/09/2020 at 16:06 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I'm in the same boat. Being 34, I am *very* old for Reddit in general, but not qualified for this sub. Is there a super-niche r/askoldmillenials?
Edit: I am deeply disappointed that there is not.