Comment by Georgy_K_Zhukov on 04/04/2020 at 00:06 UTC

30 upvotes, 5 direct replies (showing 5)

View submission: BETA: Weekly Round-Up and Newsletter | 2020-04-03

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It definitely is the biggest issue that we would want to find a solution to before this might roll out to *everyone*. As I mentioned elsewhere though, having it be Opt-In, while it has its pluses, significantly undercuts the value of it at all, since you still need people to know it is an option.

After this test, we'll be giving feedback to the Admins. One idea we've been spitballing through the day is what would seem to split the difference, so would be interesting in your own feelings on it. Basically it would be a one time mailer to Opt In. Either the *first* time you get it no matter what, with a link to Opt In included if you want to continue getting them, or else a separate one that just is like "Would you want to Opt In to receive mailers from /r/AskHistorians (or whatever subreddit).

It would, hopefully, surmount the "how to you let people know about it" issue without simply blowing all the way to "Opt-In everyone with a not terribly intuitive Opt-Out system".


Comment by sageDieu at 04/04/2020 at 00:58 UTC

57 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I agree with this - a one time mailer letting me know the feature exists and that I can opt in would play better for me than receiving the message and having to opt out. The set of actions is the same but then I feel like I'm in control.

Plus, and correct me if I'm wrong, the only fix is to block the generic modmessages account - wouldn't this block all mod messages? Meaning if I want to opt out of this sub's messages I have to opt out of them for everything?

Comment by _a_random_dude_ at 04/04/2020 at 03:30 UTC

18 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I kinda like the opt in, but only because it's this sub. I see your (as in subreddit, not yours in particular) posts usually when it's just an interesting and upvoted question, but before all the responses and always forget to check again. If you send a weekly digest it will become my main way of browsing the sub.

But in literally every other case I'd absolutely hate it to be opt out.

Comment by DeFalco210 at 04/04/2020 at 17:29 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I like the idea of a one time message as an invite. Ignorable and non spammy if people aren't truly interested but forward enough to gain traction in the community.

I think it's worth considering what it would look like if all subs followed suit, not that they would. But I think it's a fair enough compromise for everyone to receive a one time invite message to opt in to more community involvement options from any sub. Despite not being interested in such services from 99% of other subs, I can envision comfortably going through a phase where most of my subs sent out such one-time invites. Lots of subs already send a welcome message on subscribing, I don't see this being any more intrusive.

Comment by HarveyBirdmanJD at 04/04/2020 at 12:57 UTC

6 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I don’t see how a one time mailer would be any more effective than the stickies you think most users ignore. Most users will also ignore your one time spammy newsletter. Also, allowing messages will annoy people to have yet another inbox from which to clean junk. Please, this should be opt in for any such messages.

Comment by bradbrookequincy at 04/04/2020 at 11:33 UTC

-1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I like just getting it vs opt in. Ill probably miss the first email.