275 upvotes, 4 direct replies (showing 4)
View submission: BETA: Weekly Round-Up and Newsletter | 2020-04-03
Wow yet another feature Reddit adds that's opt-out instead of opt-in. If I had the choice to join or leave this whenever I wanted I'd probably join. The fact it's either receive it without consent or block the user entirely is such a dumb decision.
Nothing against you guys for wanting to try this out, but damn admins are out of touch in so many ways.
Comment by pingwing at 04/04/2020 at 16:55 UTC
22 upvotes, 1 direct replies
As a web designer of 20 years, you are correct, this is not how you engage a community. You will turn off more people by automatically opting people in.
Comment by Job-lair at 04/04/2020 at 11:18 UTC
38 upvotes, 0 direct replies
TL DR. Lets us be please. I can't be bombarded with stuff like this now.
Comment by Georgy_K_Zhukov at 04/04/2020 at 00:06 UTC
30 upvotes, 5 direct replies
It definitely is the biggest issue that we would want to find a solution to before this might roll out to *everyone*. As I mentioned elsewhere though, having it be Opt-In, while it has its pluses, significantly undercuts the value of it at all, since you still need people to know it is an option.
After this test, we'll be giving feedback to the Admins. One idea we've been spitballing through the day is what would seem to split the difference, so would be interesting in your own feelings on it. Basically it would be a one time mailer to Opt In. Either the *first* time you get it no matter what, with a link to Opt In included if you want to continue getting them, or else a separate one that just is like "Would you want to Opt In to receive mailers from /r/AskHistorians (or whatever subreddit).
It would, hopefully, surmount the "how to you let people know about it" issue without simply blowing all the way to "Opt-In everyone with a not terribly intuitive Opt-Out system".
Comment by bradbrookequincy at 04/04/2020 at 11:32 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I think Id rather get it auto because I forget all the good subs I am on like this so not likely to go turn it on or even know about it.