Re: [ANN] smolFM, radio for the smolnet

Ben <> writes:

> The way streaming works on my gemcast is that they are ogg vorbis
> files that the browser must either pipe to mpv through standard input,
> or the browser must play the partially-downloaded file itself while
> it's downloading. Not all browsers support one of these methods, so
> the last resort is to download the whole file and then play it.

As a side note: my Common Lisp Gemini client includes a wrapper script
that will take the Gemini URL of an audio or video stream and feed it to
mpv or vlc. It requires Roswell (but installing Roswell handles
installing a CL implementation and dependencies).

It's at, but not entirely
bug-free (killing the script may not kill the player, which may continue
to play for a while).

Jason McBrayer      | “Strange is the night where black stars rise, | and strange moons circle through the skies,
                    | but stranger still is lost Carcosa.”
                    | ― Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow


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