Re: [ANN] smolFM, radio for the smolnet

I think it's great, and no need to stream the audio over Gemini, although 
I guess there might in theory be some way to get that to happen. Since 
I'll be using mpv to play the stream, it just needs to be a resource that 
mpv can understand.

The way streaming works on my gemcast is that they are ogg vorbis files 
that the browser must either pipe to mpv through standard input, or the 
browser must play the partially-downloaded file itself while it's 
downloading. Not all browsers support one of these methods, so the last 
resort is to download the whole file and then play it.

I guess if the Gemini server could send audio data indefinitely, one of 
these streaming methods would work.

I'll CC mbays because he's our streaming expert.


-- gemini://


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