Bookmark the uri with your generated id to keep your identity across visits.

Your public identifier is a different text but it will stay the same for the same id.


Set/Update Alias a18f0697fbec1ba4498e

Wait for new messages (Doesn't work on every client)


Send Message

I decided to watch Monster's Ball without knowing much about it and I was shock on so many levels. i.e I didn't expect to see Sean Combs behind bars.
Thank you! : *
heyyy,you're really cuttee
its an interesting seeing where people draw the line for their ideal smallweb featureset. ask 100 people theyll give 100 different lines.
seeing javascript as a main source of complexity while including more complex tech like css and <media> makes for a unique squiggle in the line.
the idea of effectively downloading dns root zones à la carte is interesting. the current registrar and dns system is anthetical to a decentralized smallweb in my view.
Incredible article: gemini://
Perhaps I would lean towards making CSS optional, as in if no css is defined it defaults to a semantic html css of sorts.
I am also interested in a multi protocol server, and moreover creating a set of tools to make this effort easier (at least on jvm a lot of it is a pain)
plus those sick drums
ufff just when ddd was starting to get a little repetitive the violin comes in and saves the day
I am trying to get here scorpion:// but I can't find a scorpion client :(, is there one of the shelf I can use?
Hey hey, I will check the song.
a-presses, lol
how can you have 4.5 a-presses??
id easily rate ddd a 4.5 out of 5 a-presses
hello. I'm just stopping by to say dire dire docks song from mario 64 is great
Does someone has Titan experience? what is a good source of info for that?
Interesting, TIL that Lagrange has an ios version in Testflight. Can't wait for a release and trying it out.
Finally decided to watch Remulus, so sad I missed it at the cinema
perhaps I should make aliases reset daily, idk really what's the best way to manage that.
Aliases are only kept in memory, so a reset of the app would cause them to go away and let you reset them.
if you still have the other path, you could rename that and then the second can be named to the first name, etc.
Nope, I don't allow it as it would create confusion. If you lost the first path you need to do something different.
Can I not create a second key but set the alias to be identical to the alias of another key?
457877cc8e5441d96147 SOunds neat! Yeah I wasn't happy about the lack of options in ios. And what happened to elaho? I remember it worked so well.
work *hours
it is not open sourced just yet. I am having crazy work ours, but will get to it in a few weeks i guess
is it open source?
ah fair enough, yeah the certificates can be a pain. I'm working on a new client that I hope to have in app stores very soon!
Identity is tied to the generated uuid in the path. Bookmark the path and navigate to the chat via the bookmark to keep the identity,
got a new one
is my identity kept across visits?
and strangest of all, they never learned to play the flute. Instea
For example in ios the only client in the appstore (Deedum) doesn't support client certificates.
1. I hand rolled my own server and haven't gotten to implement client certificates
2. Not all clients support client certificates either
what was the reason not to use Gemini's certificates for identification?
hello from Leeds, UK
Added the reload capability and disclaimer on "Wait for new messages".
Oh, hi!
Oops, my VPS must have power cycled for whatever reason.
and there are useful 3d models of ant terrariums and accessories online for free. I tried some stuff for my mantid rearing project. worked well
I will check that out. Der Ameisenladen!
Testing, 1...2...3... 🤓
Here in Berlin there is a specialist shop for ants and ant terrariums. They even ship internationally. I haven't made it there yet, but the selection is really large. Here is the link:
Not really into ento, but I could see myself owning an ant colony
100% open topics for now. If I see the need for it I can create different rooms in the future.
looks really good! Is it topic open or is it for a specific topic? I am missing more non technical topics on Gemini someone interested in entomology? rearing insects? monitoring insects?
Appreciate it, mozz!