Werner Icking Music�Archive

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Introduction - English | Einf�hrung - Deutsch | Indledning - Dansk | Introduction - Fran�ais | Introduzione - Italiano | Introducci�n - Espa�ol

new 2001-01-31The archive is divided into vocal music and instrumental music.

For most works in this archive the e-mail address of the composer or editor is given. Use this address for any feed-back, thanks, praise, critics, blame, ... Please be so kind and let them know what happend with their works uploaded here for your benefit.

This archive contains "free" sheet music, free for non-commercial usage. This means that you may download the files for viewing or printing as paper copies, which may not be sold. It does not mean, that you may distribute digital copies of these editions in the given format or any other converted format. The right to print the music does not imply the right for public performances if the music is not already in the public domain. Please contact the composers concerning the conditions for public performance.

new 2000-06-06 Visit the event log of this archive enumerating New Items and Revised Items

A [J.Arcadelt] B [J.S.Bach] [J.Bennet] [A.P.Berggreen] [G.Boussion] [A.Bruckner] C [P.Certon] [Y.Chauvin] [D.Clement] D [J.Dowland] E [Ph.E.Erlebach] F [G.Faur�] [C.Franck] [D.Friderici] G [C.Gounod] H [G.F.H�ndel] [J.Harrington] I J K [N.Kedrov] [F.J.Krafft] L [O.Lasso] M [E.Mechelaere] [Fa.Mendelssohn] [Fe.Mendelssohn] [G.Messaus] [G.Mirabile] [Ch.Mondrup] [J.Molinet] [Th.Morley] [W.A.Mozart] N O P [J.Pachelbel] [E.Pearce] [M.Peders�n] [M.Praetorius] [J.des Pr�s] Q R [Th.Ravenscroft] [N.Rimsky-Korsakov] [H.Roelstraete] S [C.Saint-Sa�ns] [F.Schubert] [Cl.de Sermisy] T [T.Tallis] [D.Taupin] U V [O.Van Durme] [A.Vivaldi] [S.de Vivanco] W X Y Z [D.Zipoli] [misc.] You find works of different composers or editors under [D.Taupin] and misc (Andre�Van�Ryckeghem, Petr�Felzmann, Luc�Saffre).

image�image of an example page, info�further information, sound�sound, mail�e-mail address, extern�external Link, Download Acrobat Reader�PDF-file
Jacob Arcadelt (~1505-1568)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
John Bennet (c. 1570-1614)
  1. A Hunts vpimage (SSAT)
  2. For the Hearne and Duckeimage (SSAT)
  3. The Elues Daunceimage (SSAT)
  4. Three Foolesimage (SATB)
  5. The Seruant of his Mistrisimage (SATB)
  6. Their Wedlockeimage (SSAT)
A. P. Berggreen (1801-1880)
Guy Boussion (?) - edited by Daniel Taupin
Anton Bruckner (1824-1896)
Yannik Chauvin (?)
Pierre Certon (~1515-1572)
Dani�l Clement (Darros) (?)
John Dowland (1563-1626)
see Thomas Ravenscroft (1590-1633): The Whole Booke of Psalmes, where you find the following settings edited by Christian Mondrup
Ph. E. Erlebach (1657-1714)
Gabriel Faur� (1845-1924)
Charles Gounod (1818-1893) - edited by Daniel Taupin
Georg Friedrich H�ndel (1685-1759)
Jeff Harrington (*1955)�extern mail -- a short introduction, same as html
Nikolai Kedrov (1871-1954)
Frans J. Krafft (1727-1795)
Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594)
Edward Mechelaere
Fanny Mendelssohn (1805-1847)
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy (1809-1847)
Guillielmus Messaus (1585-1640)
Giovanni Mirabile (*1975)� mail info
Christian Mondrupextern mail (*1947) - a short introduction
Jean Molinet (1435-1507)
Thomas Morley (1557-1602)
see Thomas Ravenscroft (1590-1633): The Whole Booke of Psalmes, where you find the following settings edited by Christian Mondrup
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706)
Edward Pearce (c. 1560- c. 1613)
see Thomas Ravenscroft (1590-1633): A Briefe Discourse, where you find all the following parts in one volume and the corresponding M-Tx-sources - edited by Christian Mondrup
Mogens Peders�n (~1585-1623)
Madrigali a Cinque Vociinfo (SSATB) edited by Christian Mondrup - with M-Tx-source
  1. Ecco la Primaveraimagesound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  2. Se nel partir da voiimagesound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  3. Morir�, cor mioimage sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  4. T'amo mia vita!imagesound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  5. O che soaue baccioimage sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  6. Son viuo e non son viuoimage sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  7. -�8.�Care lagrime mieimage sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  8. Come esser pu� ch'io viuaimage sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  9. S'io rido et scherzoimagesound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  10. -�12.�Nell' apparir dell' amorosa Auroraimagesound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  11. Tra queste verdi frondeimage sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  12. Amor, per tua merc�image sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  13. new 2001/03/29 Donna, mentre i' vi miro,�PDF new 2001/03/29sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
  14. new 2001/05/27 Non voglio piu seruire,�PDF new 2001/03/29, png image: sound, mean tone temp: sound, parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
Pratum Spiritualeinfo edited by Christian Mondrup - with M-Tx/MUP-source
  1. It barn er f�d i Bethlehemimage sound (SATTB)
  2. Psalm CIII. Min Siel nu loffue herrenimage sound (SATTB)
  3. Forl� oss med fred naadeligimage sound (SSATB)
  4. Deus misereatur nostriimage sound (SSATB): parts for Canto, Quinto, Alto, Tenore, Basso
Michael Praetorius (1571-1621)
Musae Sioniae, Sechster Teil, 1609, for choir (SATB) - edited by Christian Mondrup with M-Tx/MUP-sources
  1. Gelobet seist du Jesu Christimage sound
  2. Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich herimage sound
  3. Uns ist ein Kindlein heut gebornimagesound
  4. Magnum nomen Dominiimage sound
  5. In natali Dominiimage sound
  6. Allein Gott in der H�h sei Ehrimagesound
Josquin des Pr�s (~1450-1521)
Thomas Ravenscroft (1590-1633)
A Briefe Discourseimage from 1614 - edited by Christian Mondrup - with M-Tx-source; some parts are by John Bennet [JB] or Edward Pearce [EP]. The volume contains following single parts:
Melismata, 1611 - edited by Christian Mondrup (common MusiXTeX-files�info)
  1. A Song of Pagesimage sound (SSA) - with M-Tx-source
  2. Seruants out of Seruiceimage sound (SSAT) - with M-Tx-source
  3. A Belmans Songimage sound (SSAB) - with M-Tx-source
  4. new 2001/03/30The Marriage of the Frogge and the Mouseimage sound (SATB) - with MUP-source info)
Pammelia, 1609 - edited by Christian Mondrup (common MusiXTeX-files�info)
  1. Hey hoe, to the green woodimage Canon for three voices - with M-Tx-source
  2. Hey downe downeimage sound Canon for four voices as score, sameimagesound as single voices - with M-Tx-source
  3. Vt, re, me, fa, sol, laimagesound Canon for four voices as score, sameimagesound as single voices - with M-Tx-source
  4. Come drink to meimage sound Canon for four voices as score, sameimagesound as single voices - with MUP-source
  5. Come follow me merily my matesimage Canon for five voices - with M-Tx-source
  6. Vt, re, me, fa, sol, laimagesound Canon for five voices as score, sameimagesound as single voices - with M-Tx-source
  7. Sing we now merilyimage sound Canon for ten or eleven voices as score, sameimagesound as single voices - with M-Tx-source
The Whole Booke of Psalmes, 1621 - edited by Christian Mondrup(common MUP-files�info)
  1. Thomas Morley (1557-1602) new 2001/03/30 The man is blest image sound (SATB) - with MUP source
  2. Thomas Ravenscroft new 2001/03/30 Why did the Gentiles tumults raise image sound (SATB) - with MUP source
  3. Thomas Ravenscroft new 2001/04/21 O Lord how are my foes increast image sound (SATB) - with MUP source
  4. John Dowland (1563-1626) new 2001/03/30 All people that on earth do dwell image sound (SATB) - with MUP source
  5. Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585) new 2001/06/09 Praise the Lord O ye Gentils all,�PDF image sound (SATB) - with MUP source
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov (1844-1908)
Herman Roelstraete (1925-1985)
new 2001/05/22 Five arr. of Flemish folk songs info for choir SATB; edited by Andr�Van�Ryckeghem - with PMX-source
Camille Saint-Sa�ns (1835-1921)
Franz Schubert (1797-1828)
Claudin de Sermisy (~1490-1562)
Thomas Tallis (1510-1585)
see Thomas Ravenscroft (1590-1633): The Whole Booke of Psalmes, where you find the following settings edited by Christian Mondrup
Daniel Taupin mail
the author of MusicTeX, provides own works as well as music by other composers edited, transcribed or arranged by him. There's music for
Oscar Van Durme (1867-1921)
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741)
Sebasti�n de Vivanco (1550-1622)
Domenico Zipoli (1688-1726)

2001-02-08, Werner Icking (1943-2001), GMD
2001-06-13, Christian Mondrup, Werner Icking Music Archive

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