2020-08-25 Episode 33
{.right} Halberds and Helmets Podcast Talking about how bears, ursomancy, and armoured polar bears.
Halberds and Helmets Podcast
Halberds and Helmets Podcast
- 2016-10-11 Bear
- 2012-08-24 Ursomancy
- Just Use Bears by Jack Guignol: “In situations likes these, I just use the stats for a bear and no one is the wiser. Re-skin appearance, methods of attack, and add special abilities on the fly if you absolutely must...but when in doubt, just use bears.”
- Armoured bears on Wikipedia
- “Newborn cubs are a shapeless lump of white flesh, with no eyes or hair, though the claws are visible. The mother bear gradually licks her cubs into their proper shape, and keeps them warm by hugging them to her breast and lying on them, just as birds do with their eggs.” – Pliny the Elder as quoted in the Bear entry in The Medieval Bestiary
- “The scholars and philosophers of the guardinals are the ursinals…” – Guardinal, Ursinal, Planescape
- “Wardens are best described as hulking humans with grizzly-bear heads.” – Warden Archons, Planescape
- The War-Bear, News and the War-Bear Marching Song, Soldier Bears, Slavic Art Inspiration, by Chris Kutalik, Hill Cantons (2013–2014)
- Halberds and Helmets: my homebrew rules with links to the PDF files
2016-10-11 Bear
2012-08-24 Ursomancy
Just Use Bears
Armoured bears
The War-Bear
News and the War-Bear Marching Song
Soldier Bears
Slavic Art Inspiration
Halberds and Helmets
#Halberds and Helmets Podcast
- *2024-12-28**. Listener Rui wrote in to tell me the bears reminded them of Synnibarr:
*Synnibarr* is also noted for bizarre monsters, including the Giant Mutant Fire Clam and the Flying Grizzly, the latter being capable of shooting laser beams from its eyes. – The World of Synnibarr
The World of Synnibarr