2019-04-23 Maps inspire me

I sometimes like to look at those larger maps with fewer mountains. I start speculating about this village being so close to the chaos temple; the small settlements at the foot of mountains with temples of law; I love how the humans try to avoid settling the swamps; how one would travel up river to find the source somewhere high up... In this respect, a map truly serves as an inspiration for the game.

Generate some yourself using the *Alpine* generator for Text Mapper.

Generate some yourself

Text Mapper

Image 1

​#RPG ​#Old School ​#Text Mapper


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

If you’re wondering about the algorithm: here’s how to show its limits: if you start with just one peak, and a large enough map, you get an island centered arouond a volcano.

Image 2

– Alex Schroeder 2019-04-23 13:08 UTC


Love this, I 100% agree. My gameplay and worldbuilding emerge from the maps I generate, not really as much the other way around.

– Shelby 2019-04-23 15:54 UTC



That reminds me, can I add your blog to the Old School RPG Planet?

Old School RPG Planet

– Alex Schroeder 2019-04-23 20:54 UTC