2019-02-06 Adventure Game is the name of the game

Ben makes a good case for calling the style of play we enjoy “adventure game” instead of “old school renaissance” (OSR) or “do it yourself” (DIY) in Adventure Game vs OSR. Should I switch? I think I need more time to think about this.

Adventure Game vs OSR

I’ve tried to articulate something like this before, trying to think of what the OSR means, to me: “I like to think that starting with 6 abilities to define a character, saving throws to avoid mishaps, hit points, to-hit rolls using a d20, damage rolls using smaller dice, xp for gold and levels is 100% OSR.” And yes, this goes in a very different direction, with a focus on the rules and not on the play style. I went on to say that there are things “close in execution, or close in spirit, or just define themselves to be close.” So I guess I knew it wasn’t a good enough definition. And perhaps definitions are overrated, in any case.


I guess in terms of telling prospective players about my game, using the *badges* makes more sense? A shorthand to describe the kind of game happening at my table.

My GM Badges:

GM Badges

| Badges |          Explanation           |
|        | I play *By-The-Book* and       |
|        | “rule-zero” is not being used  |
|        | to alter existing rules        |
|        | Players characters *Death* is  |
|        | a likely event in my games     |
|        | I roll *Dice* in the open and  |
|        | don’t fudge the results in my  |
|        | games                          |
|        | My games are *Gonzo* and can   |
|        | include a lot of strangeness   |
|        | My games rely on a lot of      |
|        | *Improvisation* rather than    |
|        | pre-scripted content           |
|        | My games focuses on            |
|        | *Exploration & Mystery*        |
|        | My games use a pre-made *Map*  |
|        | and pre scripted content       |
|        | Players in my game should be   |
|        | prepared to *Run* when the     |
|        | odds are against them          |
|        | I will *Mirror* back player    |
|        | ideas I think are interesting  |
|        | in the game                    |
|        | My game focuses on *Player     |
|        | Skill* rather than character   |
|        | abilities                      |











​#RPG ​#Old School


(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)

What schools I tag my posts on social media, though? ​#osr is so easy to type. ​#ag? ​#adventuregame? Or just ​#rpg and no qualifier?

– Alex Schroeder 2019-02-08 09:15 UTC