{.right} Halberds and Helmets Podcast Second half of the Christmas episode! We’re still on the page with the equipment. This time we’re talking about items: items to fight monsters and oil in particular. How do we use flaming oil? How much can you carry? Encumbrance and the rule of cool. Also: why is plate armour so cheap?
#Halberds and Helmets Podcast
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
I’m really enjoying these, Alex. Which is why I’m telling that I think you linked episode 7 on your episode 8 post.
– Michael Julius 2018-12-28 03:57 UTC
Whoops! Fixed. 😄
– Alex Schroeder 2018-12-28 22:50 UTC
Oh, and I noticed that the first seconds of the fixed episode were garbled: basically my new intro was simply *overlapping* the beginning of the episode instead of getting prepended. 🙄 Well, should be fixed now (but without a new publishing date because I think it works well enough as is so no need to download again).
– Alex Schroeder 2019-01-03 14:12 UTC