2013-07-16 Inkscape Mapping and mkhexgrid

Today I needed to add the island of Tirnanog to my campaign map using Inkscape. In order to do that, I needed to add more hexes in the background—I needed to “grow the ocean”. I looked at my Old School Hex Map Tutorial and figured I must have used the Inkscape Boardgames Extension. When I checked, however, I was unable to find the menu. Perhaps Inkscape has changed and it needs to be reinstalled? I decided to give mkhexgrid another try. Fiddling with the spec file for a bit, I determined that these were the correct settings:

my campaign map

Old School Hex Map Tutorial


1. start with an odd number!

By now the map is so big, redoing it for Hexographer or Text Mapper seems like a lot of work. When I see the efforts required to update this map in a sluggish Inkscape on a 1024×768 monitor, however, it seems like a lot of work as well.


Text Mapper

Old School Hex Map Tutorial

I don’t know. I like the colors of the Gnomeyland icons. Check out Map Symbols: Trees & Forests on Old Russian Maps by John Krygier for some source material. But really – is it much better? Is it much faster? I don’t think so.

Map Symbols: Trees & Forests on Old Russian Maps

Original, from the *Wilderlands of High Fantasy* box:


My “old school hex map” style:


Text Mapper, using the Gnomeyland icons by Gregory B. MacKenzie (CC BY SA):

Gnomeyland icons



For the curious, here is the source for Text Mapper:

3901 water
3902 water
3903 water
3904 water
3905 water island
3906 water
3907 water
3908 water
4001 water
4002 water
4003 water
4004 water
4005 water
4006 water
4007 water island
4008 water
4101 water
4102 water
4103 water
4104 water
4105 water
4106 water
4107 water island "Andaman Isles"
4108 water
4201 water
4202 water
4203 water
4204 soil tower "Marechal"
4205 dark-green forest
4206 water islands
4207 water islands
4208 water
4301 water
4302 water
4303 water
4304 light-grey hill
4305 light-grey mountain
4306 light-grey
4307 water
4308 water
4401 water
4402 water
4403 light-grey hill
4404 grey mountain "Needles Peak"
4405 light-grey hill
4406 water
4407 water
4408 water
4501 water
4502 dark-green forest
4503 light-grey hill
4504 green forest-hill
4505 soil tower "Lanka"
4506 water
4507 water
4508 water
4601 water
4602 soil tower "Calfat"
4603 soil lake keep "Kailasa"
4604 light-grey hill
4605 water
4606 water
4607 water
4608 water
4701 water
4702 light-grey
4703 light-grey hill
4704 soil tower "Heratus"
4705 dark-green forest
4706 water
4707 water
4708 water
4801 water "Windward Peninsula"
4802 soil keep "Dalmaric"
4803 soil keep "Talimanor"
4804 dark-green forest "Pardolock Jungle"
4805 water
4806 water
4807 water
4808 water
4901 water
4902 water island
4903 water
4904 water
4905 water island
4906 water
4907 water
4908 water
5001 water
5002 water
5003 water
5004 water
5005 water
5006 water
5007 water
5008 water
lake xml <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="50" fill="#6ebae7" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"/>
island xml <circle cx="10" cy="10" r="25" fill="#dcddbe" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"/>
islands xml <circle cx="-20" cy="20" r="20" fill="#dcddbe" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"/><circle cx="20" cy="-20" r="15" fill="#dcddbe" stroke="black" stroke-width="3"/>
include https://alexschroeder.ch/contrib/gnomeyland.txt

4603-4903 fjord
4602-4902 fjord
fjord path attributes stroke="#6ebae7" stroke-width="20" fill-opacity="0" stroke-linecap="round"

other <text stroke="white" stroke-width="10px" font-size="50pt" x="6300" y="550" transform="rotate(330 6300,550)">Tirnanog Isle</text><text font-size="50pt" x="6300" y="550" transform="rotate(330 6300,550)">Tirnanog Isle</text>

​#RPG ​#Maps ​#SVG