When I was chatting with people in India, there were times when pulling out a business card seemd to help a lot. No need to scrible email addresses on little pieces of paper, and instant respect from the kids. ;)
Today I ordered 200 cards as follows on http://visitenkarten-online.ch/ because I really liked their graphical design thing:
I must confess I was tempted to use the Oddmuse logo...
The Flyerline fiasko was moved to a separate page.
(Please contact me if you want to remove your comment.)
At the risk of polluting the comments of your Web site...
I think your “business” cards are nice, and use no better logo than your mug. They also win an award for MeatBall:ContentOverForm
– AaronHawley 2005-12-13 04:37 UTC
I’m glad you like them! But what mug are you talking about? (Or is this an idiom I’m not understanding?)
– Alex Schroeder 2005-12-13 07:32 UTC
Your face.¹
– AaronHawley 2005-12-13 15:19 UTC
Ahh! Thanks for that link. 😄
– Alex Schroeder 2005-12-13 15:46 UTC
The cards arrived, and I like them, 250g/m², packaged in four little boxes à 50 cards, CHF 90 plus 4.50 for shipping and handling.
Next time I think I’ll reduce the size of the xface, though. It’s a bit heavy on the right, now. I *thought* that this would compensate for the big bold font used for my name, but I have overdone it a bit, I think.
– Alex Schroeder 2005-12-14 21:44 UTC