2004-09-13 Books

I’m torn between reading Lawrence of Arabia’s *Seven Pillars of Wisdom* and and printing and reading Lawrence Lessig’s *Free Culture*. ¹ I think I will read Lessig’s book first, because I might need it for a talk I shall give at the Paulus Akademie on 2004-11-20. The title of the entire thing is Das grosse Geschäft mit der Information: Wie die Kommerzialisierung von Informationen die Welt verändert. (Big business and Information: How Commercialization of Information Changed the World.)


Paulus Akademie

Das grosse Geschäft mit der Information: Wie die Kommerzialisierung von Informationen die Welt verändert

I will do two workshops, about 45min each. The first will be about the Free Software movement and what motivates people to join it, and the second will be about Free Culture, and maybe about Digital Rights Management, if there are enough people interested in technical details.
