I had seen the CLI personal task management tool Taskwarrior pop up a while ago. I liked the idea of doing task management solely from the keyboard. I've been in and out of the Getting Things Done (GTD) method for a few years using tools like Nirvana HQ and Microsoft To Do (yuck). It was promising to see they've mentioned GTD on their website. For this machine I've brought back to life I'm going to try Taskwarrior. It'll be a good way to familiarise myself further with the CLI.
Some info from the website:
To install I typed:
$ sudo apt-get install taskwarrior
Running it for the first time by checking the version creates the config file .taskrc:
$ task version
Let's make a couple of tasks:
$ task add Draft smol.pub post on Taskmanager Created task 1. $ task add Create project list for linux machine Created task 2.
I then defined a context called 'lin' to work in a project called 'Linux projects' then proceeded to add a bunch of tasks (these will be projects in themselves, but they'll do here for now.
$ task context define lin "project:'Linux projects'" $ task context lin $ task add Set up Taskwarrior $ task add Write a bash script $ task add Make a website in HTML and CSS $ task add Research what gemini and gopher are $ task add Create a media library $ task list
Given I'm still in the lis context it will show me only tasks within the 'Linux projects' project:
ID Age Project Description Urg 3 25min Linux projects Set up Taskwarrior 1 4 14min Linux projects Write a bash script 1 5 12min Linux projects Make a website in HTML and CSS 1 6 11min Linux projects Research what gemini and gopher are 1 7 11min Linux projects Create a media library 1
Now, lets return back out of this context and mark a task complete.
$ task context none Context unset. $ task list ID Age Project Description Urg 1 1h Draft smol.pub post on Taskmanager 0 2 57min Create project list for linux machine 0 3 42min Linux projects Set up Taskwarrior 1 4 31min Linux projects Write a bash script 1 5 30min Linux projects Make a website in HTML and CSS 1 6 28min Linux projects Research what gemini and gopher are 1 7 28min Linux projects Create a media library 1 $ task 2 done Completed task 2 'Create project list for linux machine'. Completed 1 task. $ task list ID Age Project Description Urg 1 1h Draft smol.pub post on Taskmanager 0 2 44min Linux projects Set up Taskwarrior 1 3 32min Linux projects Write a bash script 1 4 31min Linux projects Make a website in HTML and CSS 1 5 29min Linux projects Research what gemini and gopher are 1 6 29min Linux projects Create a media library 1
And check tasks completed:
$ task completed ID UUID Created Completed Age Description - 0684d417 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 59min Create project list for linux machine
So far so good. I've played with tasks, projects, tags, prioritisation, and context shifting, and all are working smoothly. If I keep using it for a while I'll remember all the necessary commands. Really cool.
Taskwarrior's massive Tools/Extensions list