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I liked this take on security (I admit I was probably selectively looking for something like this).

An extremely short summary of the best security practice in Linux Mint is this:
- Use good passwords.
- Install updates as soon as they become available.
- Only install software from the official software sources of Linux Mint and Ubuntu.
- Don't install antivirus (yes, really!).
- Don't install Windows emulators like Wine.
- Enable the firewall.
- Above all: use your common sense.

Security in Linux Mint and Ubuntu: an Explanation and Some Tips

I'm pretty much doing all that, except I haven't set up the firewall. I will use the instructions given on the same post. Another chance to use the CLI.

Enable the Uncomplicated Firewall (ufw):

$ sudo ufw enable

Check the status:

$ sudo ufw status verbose

Turn off logging:

$ sudo ufw logging off

I restarted to check if the machine keeps it enabled. It does.

That'll do.

command line stuff

I posted my first post from the CLI. It took me a few trys, needing to use the sudo command (which means Super User DO) and figuring out where to paste my token - I didn't quite get what ~/ meant but the error message soon told me. I think there is a . missing in the smol.pub/manual where it mentions `~/.config/smolpub`. Anyway I got it all working. Some things I learnt:

Wonder how people manage to remember all their command lines. Keep using it I guess.


email: zkbro@proton.me