Wonders to Silence


Music Genre: lo-fi acepalla => https://youtu.be/L3xQ0w7Hmz8 Stream youtu.be

Total tracks: 14 Duration: 43:17 Copyright Year: 2018

Track List

1. Wonders to Silence / 02:35 2. Wonderous and Marvelous / 02:49 3. When I Eat / 03:03 4. Sometimes I eat Baby Trees / 02:36 5. When I Finish Eating Everything / 02:53 6. If I Were Adored / 03:04 7. My Reflection / 02:35 8. I am Glimmering Darkly / 03:05 9. Onions Sometimes Grow in Ears / 02:44 10. It's not for the Insurance / 03:15 11. I Stored my Evil in the Barn / 03:04 12. If You're Confronted / 03:04 13. The Offerings Have Been Resumed / 02:41 14. If Your Town Dies / 03:10


From 2018-02-20 ""Wonders to Silence" :: Improvised Album":

These tracks were improvised based upon the previous track. The whole thing was improvised in one sitting.
This is not generally available due to the fact that it has not been transcribed yet. (YouTube's automatic transcription didn't work well.)
The cover is ready. It was briefly available on Bandcamp, but it has been pulled until it gets transcribed.


* (2018-02/20_r2030) "Wonders to Silence" :: Improvised Album (in Needs transcribed)

🎧 14 track improvised lyrical acapella album by Mr. Beany's Bitty Band





