
* (2020-08/18_r2034) I think I might be a pickle (in Needs transcribed)

🎧 audio (01:01)

* (2018-09/30_r1152) The Use of Crazy Pickles (in Just Lyrics)

📔 song lyrics from "50/90 2018"

* (2017-07/22_r1818) I Am The Songwriter (in Lo-Fi Folk Acapella)

🎧 from 50/90 2017 by Mr. Beany's Bitty Band (02:59)

* (2017-07/14_r0333) Pickled Flowers (in Just Lyrics)

📔 by S.W. Black

* (2017-07/14_r0331) Pickles With Hair (in Just Lyrics)

📔 by S.W. Black

* (2017-07/14_r0330) Delightful Pickles (in Just Lyrics)

📔 by S.W. Black

* (2017-02/19_r0206) That Pickle (in Experimental Music)

🎧 I sort of love pickles (03:07)

* (2016-12/01_r0000) Pickled 'Shrooms (in Alternate Lyrics to Traditional Carols)

🎧 audio by Mr. Beany's Bitty Band from Christmas 2016 (02:50)

* (2016-07/22_r0955) Old Man Beet (The Lord of the Street) (in Just Lyrics)

* (2015-08/08_r0000) Christmas Pickles (in Alternate Lyrics to Traditional Carols)

📔 🎼 assorted content

* (2015-07/05_r0000) A pickle song (in Alternate Lyrics to Traditional Carols)

📔 lyrics to song by S.W. Black from Other Carols from 2015

* (2014-02/01_r1638) What would you do for a pickle? (in Lo-Fi Folk Acapella)

🎧 crapcapella music by yam655 from FAWM 2014 (01:35)

Listen: (m3u8) Remote Playlist (5 songs and videos)





