The Fuzzy Beard

My daughter (nine) asked me why she named my beard "Fuzzy Beard" when it wasn't fuzzy.

I might not have answered the question, but -- as you can hear -- she seemed to enjoy my reply all the same.

It's kind of two mini beard songs, though they were recorded together like this.



- (mp3) The Fuzzy Beard

Audio file with ID3 version 2.4.0, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo

- The Fuzzy Beard

📔 song lyrics from "41 songs about being 41 "

Title: The Fuzzy Beard

Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band

Duration: 02:05

Album: 50/90 2018

Lyricist: S.W. Black

Album Artist: Mr. Beany's Bitty Band

Music Genre:

* acapella

* acapella

Date: 2018


Why did I not realize that

the fuzzy beard was not fuzzy?

The fuzzy beard was not fuzzy.

The fuzzy beard was not fuzzy.

It was just beardy and sharp.

I thought that beards were supposed to be fuzzy,

but I guess I was wrong, wrong.

I guess I was wrong.

Because my beard, it's not fuzzy.

I guess I was wrong.

I guess I was wrong.

So I should

change this song.

Because, beards arn't fuzzy,

even though that beard's named Fuzzy.

So I guess it's a Fuzzy beard

that's not fuzzy!

At least,

so goes my song.

Have you ever had a beard?

A fuzzy and beautiful beard.

Have you ever had this beard

give you

beard kisses?

Beards they love to kiss people

or tickle people

or poke people.

And sometimes they will


if you get too close!

So that's why you wear safety glasses

when you get close to a beard.

So that beard can just kiss you,

and maybe tickle your cheeks,

but you don't

really want


beard to


No, that would not be sweet.


- (lyrics.txt) The Fuzzy Beard (lyrics)

ASCII text

Found on: 50/90 2018

Keyword: beards

Category: Lo-Fi Folk Acapella





