
1. Graeber, David (2011). *Debt: The First 5,000 Years*. Melville House Publishing. p.109.

2. Sundeen, Mark (2012). *The Man who Quit Money*. Riverhead.

3. Smith, Adam (1776). *The Wealth of Nations*. Penguin Classics: New edition, 1982.

4. Fiat money is currency that has been declared by a government to be legal tender (i.e. it must be accepted as a form of payment within the borders of a country, for both private and public debts), but which has no intrinsic value in itself and whose value is derived from people’s faith in it.

5. Eisenstein, Charles (2011). *Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition*. Evolver Editions. p.79.

6. Boyle, Mark (2010). *The Moneyless Man: A Year of Freeconomic Living*. Oneworld: Oxford.

7. Watts, Alan (1975). *Psychotherapy East and West*. Vintage.

8. Rand, Ayn (1964). *The Virtue of Selfishness*. Signet.

9. Eisenstein, Charles (2007). *The Ascent of Humanity*. Panenthea.

10. The understanding of this process of separation is crucial to anyone seeking to understand how we arrived at where we are today. Charles Eisenstein’s The Ascent of Humanity is a seminal work in this respect, and essential reading on this subject. It is also available on the internet in “the spirit of the gift” that Eisenstein himself puts so courageously into practice.

11. Griffiths, Jay (2000). *Pip Pip*. Flamingo. p.14.

12. Everett, Daniel (2009). *Don’t Sleep, There are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle*. Profile Books.

13. Eisenstein, Charles (2007). *The Ascent of Humanity*. Panenthea. p.206.

14. Eisenstein, Charles (2011). *Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition*. Evolver Editions.

15. Hyde, Lewis (1983). *The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property*. Vintage: New York.

16. Prieur, Ran.

17. Atwood, Margaret (2008). *Payback: Debt and the Shadow Side of Wealth*. House of Anansi Press. 2nd edition.

18. Graeber, David (2011). *Debt: The First 5,000 Years*. Melville House Publishing. p.92.

19. For more information about DEFRA, go to

20. For the full article on the BBC News website, go to

21. Trainer, Ted (2007). *Renewable Energy Cannot Sustain a Consumer Society*. Springer. pp.7-8.

22. Jensen, Derrick (2006). *Endgame: The Problem of Civilisation Volume I*. Seven Stories Press, U.S. 1st edition.

23. Thoreau, Henry David (1863). ‘Life without Principle’. The Atlantic Monthly. Vol. 12, Issue 71. pp.484-495.

24. For more information on the Dunbar number, go to mar/14/my-brightidea-robin-dunbar

25. Graeber, David (2011). *Debt: The First 5,000 Years*. Melville House Publishing. pp.22-28.

26. To read the full study, go to

27. Norberg-Hodge, Helena (1991). *Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh*. Sierra Club Books: San Francisco. pp.101-102.

28. Lovelock, James (2006). *The Revenge of Gaia*. Penguin. Gaia theory, a term coined by James Lovelock and named after the primordial Earth goddess from ancient Greek mythology, propounds that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings on Earth are integrated to form a self-regulating system, and includes ‘both animate and inanimate parts’.

29. Eisenstein, Charles (2011). *Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition*. Evolver Editions. p.16.

30. Doctorow, Cory (2010). *Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom*. Harper Voyager. In this book, a Whuffie is a reputation based currency within a post-scarcity economy where everything is free.

31. Graeber, David (2011). *Debt: The First 5,000 Years*. Melville House Publishing. p.130.

32. For more information about Freeconomy, go to

33. Shuman, Michael (2000). *Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Global Age*. Routledge.

34. North, Peter (2010). *Local Money*. Green Books.

35. For more information about the Transition network, go to

36. For more information about Timebanks, go to

37. For more information about LETS, go to

38. For more information about The Zeitgeist Movement, go to

39. For more information about The Venus Project, go to

40. Built-in obsolescence is a concept in which manufacturers deliberately shorten the lifespan of their products in order to ensure that their customers keep having to buy new ones.

41. For more information about the ideas and philosophies of Peter Joseph, go to

42. For more information about The Happy Planet Index, go to

43. For more information about the New Economics Foundation (NEF), go to

44. Helena Norberg-Hodge, winner of the Right Livelihood Award, is an analyst of the impact of the global economy on the cultures of people around the world, and a pioneer of the localisation movement. She has also produced another award winning documentary, ‘The Economics of Happiness’,

45. You can watch Helena Norberg-Hodge’s film ‘Ancient Futures – Learning from Ladakh’ online for free at

46. For more information about Shaun Chamberlin, founder of Dark Optimism, go to

47. Chamberlin, Shaun (2009). *The Transition Timeline: for a local, resilient future*. Green Books.

48. Abraham Maslow, in his book titled Motivation and Personality, proposed a theory known as ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs’. Normally illustrated as a pyramid, this hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to meet their basic needs first and then increasing levels of advanced needs once the previous level of needs have been sufficiently met. At the bottom you have physiological needs such as food water and sex, and above that are layers labelled safety, love/belonging, esteem and (at the top) self-actualisation, which includes elements such as morality, creativity and spontaneity.

49. For more information about Peace Pilgrim, go to

50. Suelo, Daniel. ‘Zero Currency blog’.

51. For more information about Resurgence magazine, go to

52. Kumar, Satish (2000). *No Destination: Autobiography of an Earth Pilgrim*. Green Books. 2nd revised edition.

53. Astikainen, Tomi. *The Sunhitcher* is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License, and is free to read online at

54. For more information about Jurgen Wagner, go to

55. For more information about Forward the Revolution, go to

56. Kruse, Sonja. ‘Ubuntu in Abundance blog’.

57. For more information about Adin Van Ryneveld, go to

58. For more information about Elf Pavlik and his project, go to

59. For more information on Julez Edward, go to

60. The phrase ‘low-impact dwelling’ usually refers to the minimal ecological impact of such a home on its landscape and the planet. However, I prefer to think of these dwellings as ‘high-impact’, in that they can provide inspirational examples of solutions to the myriad challenges we face for all those who come into contact with them.

61. According to the UN Environment Programme.

62. Johnstone, Chris (2010). *Find Your Power*. Permanent Publications. 2nd edition.

63. Macy, Joanna; Johnstone, Chris (2012). *Active Hope*. New World Library.

64. Black, D. (2007). ‘A Review of Compulsive Buying Disorder’. World Psychiatry, Vol.6, Number 1 pp.14-18.

65. Cahill, Kevin (2002). *Who Owns Britain: The Hidden Facts Behind Landownership in the UK and Ireland*. Canongate.

66. Simon Fairlie is the editor of The Land magazine and founder of Chapter 7. For more information on Chapter 7, go to

67. Monbiot, George (1994). ‘The Tragedy of Enclosure’. -ofenclosure

68. Rosen, Nick (2007). *How to Live Off-grid*. Bantam. 3rd edition. p.31.

69. Author of *Low Impact Development: Planning and People in a Sustainable Countryside*.

70. Report by the Ecological Land Coop, ‘Small is successful’. -successful

71. For more information about Chapter 7, go to

72. For a copy of the *DIY Planning Handbook*, or free planning advice from Chapter 7, go to www.

73. For more information about the Ecological Land Cooperative, go to

74. For more information about Lammas, go to

75. Sugden, Chrissie (2011). ‘How To Get Planning Permission on Non-Development Land’.

76. For more information about Free and Real, go to

77. For more information on the Freeman on the Land movement, go to The People’s United Community (TPUC) website at

78. For more information about Simon and Jasmine Dale’s house in Lammas, go to

79. For more information about Association Ardheia, go to

80. Jensen, Derrick (2006). *Endgame: The Problem of Civilisation Volume I*. Seven Stories Press, U.S. 1st edition. p.149.

81. Gibran, Kahlil (1923). *The Prophet*. Pan. 4th edition.

82. Ray, Rebecca; Schmitt, John (2007). ‘No-vacation Nation USA – a comparison of leave and holiday in OECD countries’.

83. Lo, Alpha; Bevington, Alden (2008). *The Open Collaboration Encyclopedia*. Pioneer Imprints. 2.1 edition.

84. For more information about HelpX, or to join, go to

85. North, Peter (2010). *Local Money*. Green Books. p.70.

86. For more information about Swapaskill, or to join, go to

87. For more information about LocalSkillSwap, or to join, go to

88. Derrick Jensen is the author of *Endgame* (2006, Seven Stories Press), *A Language Older Than Words*.(2002, Souvenir Press), *The Culture of Make Believe* (2004, Chelsea Green) amongst many others.

89. Mears, Ray (2001). *Outdoor Survival Handbook: A Guide To The Resources And Materials Available In The Wild and How To Use Them For Food, Shelter,Warmth and Navigation*. Ebury Press.

90. Mears, Ray (2003). *Essential Bushcraft*. Hodder & Stoughton.

91. Wiseman, John Lofty (2006). *SAS Survival Handbook*. Harper Collins.

92. For more information about Will Lord, flint kanpping or his courses, go to

93. For more information about Freegle, or to join, go to

94. For more information about Freecycle (UK), or to join, go to

For Freecycle Global go to

95. For more information about Books for Free and Healthy Planet, go to

96. For the full article, go to away_free_books_has_come_to_Southampton

97. For more information about The Really Really Free Market, go to

98. If you want to set up a Really Really Free Market, go to for advice.

99. For more information about Streetbank, or to join, go to

100. For more information about FavorTree, or to join, go to

101. For more information about LetsAllShare, or to join, go to

102. For more information about Ecomodo, or to join, go to

103. Figures according to the Women’s Environmental Network (WEN). For more information about WEN, go to

104. For more information about Elimination Communication, go to what-is-elimination-communication

105. For more information about ReaditSwapit, or to join, go to

106. For more information about Bookmooch, or to join, go to

107. For more information about Bookhopper, or to join, go to

108. For more information about Bookcrossing, or to join, go to

109. Boyle, Mark (2010). *The Moneyless Man*. Oneworld, Oxford. pp.102-103.

110. Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall is a broadcaster, writer and smallholder based in the UK, and is the founder of River Cottage.

111. For more information about Landshare, or to join, go to

112. For more information on WWOOFing, or to join the organisation, go to

113. For more information on the New Local Government Network, go to

114. Hope, Nick; Ellis, Victoria (2009). ‘Can you dig it?’ uploads/can-you-dig-it

115. For the full briefing, go to

116. For the full article, go to

117. For more information about the Capital Growth project, go to

118. For more information about Eastside Roots, go to

119. For more information about Embercombe, go to

120. Macartney, Tim (2007). *Finding Earth Finding Soul*. Green Books. For more information go to

121. An English version of *Eurotopia* is available at

122. To watch a video about Lakabe, go to -townnow-self-sufficient-ecovillage

123. Holmgren, David (2009). *Future Scenarios*. Green Books.

124. Holmgren, David (2011). *Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability*. Permanent Publications.

125. Mollison, Bill; Holmgren, David (1978). *Permaculture One*. Corgi.

126. For the scope of permaculture design solutions see Mollison, Bill (1988). *Permaculture: A Designers’ Manual*. Tagari.

127. For an explanation of systems thinking and design principles of permaculture see Holmgren, David (2002). *Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability*. Permanent Publications. For a summary of the book download The Essence of Permaculture from Writings/Writings.html

128. Barclay, Christopher (2012). ‘Allotments’. p.5.

129. This quote was taken from the following article in The Independent. life-style/houseand-home/gardening/the-big-question-should-landowners-be-forced-to-give-upspace-for-allotments-1787352.html

130. Figures according to research by the American Water Works Association.

131. Fore more information about Power Off weekends, go to green-livingblog/2010/mar/16/power-off

132. Fore more information about Slow Sundays, go to

133. Fore more information about how to make a bicycle powered smoothie maker, go to 134 For more information about Transition Heathrow, go to

134. This quote was taken from the Grow Heathrow website. For more information, go to

135. For more information about the Advisory Service for Squatters, go to

136. Kahn, Lloyd; Easton, B. (2000). *Shelter*. Shelter Publications Inc.,U.S.; 2nd revised edition.

137. Kahn, Lloyd (2004). *Home Work: Handbuilt Shelter*. Shelter Publications Inc., U.S. Illustrated edition.

138. Kahn, Lloyd (2012). *Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter*. Shelter Publications Inc., U.S.; 1st edition.

139. For more information about Earthships, go to

140. For more information about Earth bag construction, go to

141. Jones, Barbara (2009). *Building with Straw Bales: A Practical Guide for the UK and Ireland*. Green Books.

142. Oehler, Mike (1982). *The $50 and Up Underground House Book*. Mole Publishing Co.

143. Pearson, David (2001). *Circle Houses: Yurts, Tipis and Benders*. Chelsea Green.

144. Horning, Jonathan (2009). *Simple Shelters: Tents, Tipis, Yurts, Domes and Other Ancient Homes*. Wooden Books.

145. To learn more about how to build a bender, go to

146. Wrench, Tony (2008). *Building a Low Impact Roundhouse*. Permanent Publications.

147. Steinfeld, Carol (2010). *Liquid Gold: The Lore and Logic of Using Urine to Grow Plants*. Green Books. 2nd revised edition. p.3.

148. The word ‘humility’ comes from the same semantic root as ‘humus’, interestingly, which is exactly what thermophilic composting should create from raw humanure.

149. Scott, Nicky (2010). *How to Make and Use Compost: The Ultimate Guide*. Green Books.

150. Dick Kitto is the author of *Composting: The Organic Natural Way* (1988, Thorsons), as well as many other books on organic gardening, education and compost.

151. Jenkins, Joseph (2006). *The Humanure Handbook: A Guide to Composting Human Manure*. Jenkins Publishing, U.S. 3rd revised edition. For more information, go to


. com

152. To read *The Humanure Handbook* online for free, go to


153. Pilkington, George (2005). *Composting with Worms: Why Waste Your Waste*. Eco-logic Books.

154. McConnell, Campbell R.; Brue, Stanley L. (2005). *Economics: Principles, Problems and Policies*. McGraw-Hill Irwin. p.3.

155. For more information about Fergus Drennan and his foraging courses, go to www.wildmanwildfood

156. Kennedy, David (1993). *Leaf Concentrate: A Field Guide for Small Scale Programmes*. It is available free online at:

157. Figures according to The Mammals Trust.

158. Snyder, Gary (1990). *The Practice of the Wild*. Counterpoint. p.10.

159. Jared Diamond is the author of many books including G*uns, Germs and Steel: A Short History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years* (1998, Vintage) and *Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed* (2011, Penguin). He is also Professor of Geography and Physiology at UCLA.

160. Diamond, Jared. ‘The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race’. mistake.html

161. Strickland, Sue (2001). *Back Garden Seed Saving: Keeping Our Vegetable Heritage Alive*. Eco-logic Books.

162. Hamilton, Dave (2011).* Grow your Food for Free (well almost)*. Green Books.

163. Dowding, Charles (2009). *Organic Gardening: The Natural No-dig Way*. Green Books. p.166.

164. Whitefield, Patrick (2004). *The Earth Care Manual*. Permanent Publications. pp.197-198.

165. To learn more about how to grow food through the hungry gap, read Charles Dowding’s *How to Grow Winter Vegetables* (2011, Green Books).

166. Crawford, Martin (2012). *How to Grow Perennial Vegetables: Low-maintenance, Low-impact Vegetable Gardening*. Green Books

167. For more information about Steph Hafferty and her work, go to

168. Martin Crawford is the director of the Agroforestry Research Trust. He also runs courses, a demonstration site, a larger research forest garden, and a mail order business for plants that are useful for forest gardening.

169. Crawford, Martin (2010). *Creating a Forest Garden: Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops*. Green Books. p.60.

170. For more information about The Agroforestry Research Trust, go to

171. Crawford, Martin (2010). *Creating a Forest Garden: Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops*. Green Books.

172. Dowding, Charles (2011). *How to Grow Winter Vegetables*. Green Books. For more information about Charles Dowding, go to

173. For more information about guerrilla gardening go to

174. For more facts about levels of food waste, go to Tristram Stuart’s (author of *Waste: Uncovering the Global Food Scandal*) website at:

175. For more information on this case and the legal issues around ‘skipping’, go to news/magazine-13037808

176. For more information on the British Hen Welfare Trust, go to

177. Organisations such as Margaret Green Animal Rescue will help you rehome cockerels and other birds such as ducks. For more information, go to adopt-birds.html

178. Thear, Katie (1999). *Starting with Chickens: A Beginners Guide*. Broad Leys Publishing Limited. Reprint edition.

179. These statistics from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology were reported in the following article:

180. To learn how to build a horizontal bee-hive perfect for beginners, go to

. au/2010/06/21/home-made-bee-hives/

181. For more information about natural bee-keeping, go to

182. Warren, Piers (2003). *How to Store your Garden Produce*. Green Books.

183. Clifford, Sue; King, Angela (2011). *Community Orchards Handbook*. Green Books. 2nd revised edition.

184. For more information about the Abundance project in Manchester, go to

185. *The Abundance Handbook: A Guide to Urban Fruit Harvesting* can be found at

186. If you would like to see a bicycle powered water pump extract water from a 90ft well at a rate of ten gallons per minute, go to

187. Bee, Becky (2001). *You Can Make The Best Hot Tub Ever*. Groundworks.

188. McVicar, Jekka (1994). *The Complete Herb Book*. Kyle Cathie Limited. p.178.

189. Crawford, Martin (2010). *Creating a Forest Garden: Working with Nature to Grow Edible Crops*. Green Books. pp. 190-191

190. McGuire, Thomas (1972). *The Tooth Trip*. Random House – Bookworks. 1st edition.

191. Anderberg, Kirsten (2011). *Oral Health, Naturally*. Kirsten Anderberg.

192. For more detailed information on Sapindus drummondii, go to the Plants for a Future website at

193. For more information about Steph Hafferty and her work, go to

194. Hobbes, Thomas (1651). *Leviathan*. Oxford Paperbacks. Reissue edition, 2008.

195. For more information about Malcolm Handoll, or Five Senses, go to

196. To learn how to make your own flip-flops from old carpet, blown tyres and used shopping bags, go to

197. Abbey, Edward (1994). *Desert Solitaire*. Ballantine Books Inc. Reprint edition.

198. Boyle, Mark (2010). *The Moneyless Man*. Oneworld: Oxford. p.83.

199. For the full article, go to

200. For more information about Instructables, go to

201. For more information about Green Tyres, go to

202. Murphy, Tom (2011). ‘MPG of a Human.’

203. For more information about The Splinter Bike, go to

204. For more information about The Eco-shed, go to

205. For more information about Liftshare, or to join, go to

206. For more information about National Car Share, or to join, go to

207. For more information about Freewheelers, or to join, go to

208. For more information about Freebus, go to

209. For more information about Couch-surfing, or to join, go to

210. For more information about WarmShowers, or to join, go to

211. For more information about Hospitality Club, go to

212. For more information about Global Freeloaders, or to join, go to

213. For more information about Servas, or to join, go to

214. For more information about Esperanto, go to

215. For more information about Stay4Free, or to join, go to

216. Kemp, William (2009). *The Renewable Energy Handbook: The Updated Comprehensive Guide to Renewable. Energy and Independent Living*. Aztext Press.

217. Piggott, Hugh (2011). *Wind Power Workshop: Building Your Own Wind Turbine*. Centre for Alternative Technology Publications. Revised edition.

218. For more information about Open Source Ecology, go to

219. For more information about how to make your own beeswax candles, go to


. com/static/quickguides/homegarden/how_to_make_beeswax_candles.html

220. For the full report, go to

221. Boyle, Mark (2010). *The Moneyless Man*. Oneworld: Oxford. pp.35-36.

222. Ferguson, Sue. ‘Make your own slow cooker.’ Permaculture magazine, Issue 21. pp.22-23.

223. Denzer, Kiko (2007). *Build Your Own Earth Oven*. Hand Print Press.

224. To find a model of gas bottle wood-burner that suits your needs, search the Instructables website at

225. Whitefield, Patrick (2004). *The Earth Care Manual*. Permanent Publications. p.153.

226. Ibid.

227. Congreve, Lady Celia. The Firewood Poem. Believed to have first appeared in the March 2nd 1930 edition of The Times.

228. Rosen, Nick (2007). *How to Live Off-grid*. Bantam Books. p.313.

229. For more information about the The Global Village Construction Set (GVCS) go to

230. For more information about Skype, or to get a free account, go to

231. For more information about Open-office, go to

232. For more information about Libre Office, go to

233. For more information about DuckDuckGo, go to

234. To learn more about filter bubbles, see Eli Pariser’s TED talk at

235. For more information about using Startpage as an alternative to Google, go to


. com

236. For more information about Hushmail, go to

237. For more information about Truecrypt, go to

238. Louv, Richard (2010). *Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-deficit Disorder*. Atlantic Books.

239. Holt, John (1964). *How Children Fail*. DaCapo Press. Revised edition, 1995.

240. Holt, John (1967). *How Children Learn*. Penguin. New edition, 1991.

241. Illich, Ivan (1971). *Deschooling Society*. Marion Boyars Publishers Ltd. New edition, 1995.

242. Mountney, Ross. ‘Ross Mountney’s Notebook’.

243. Mountney, Ross (2008). *Learning Without School. Home Education*. JKP.

244. For more information about how Freeskilling works, go to

245. For more information about The Khan Academy, go to

246. To see a talk given by Salman Khan for TED, go to video_to_reinvent_education.html

247. For more information about Instructables, go to

248. A cantenna is simply a beer can ‘MacGyvered’ onto your internet wireless box to increase the signal you receive.

249. To see a talk given by Bunker Roy about The Barefoot College for TED, go to bunker_roy.html

250. For more information about The Barefoot College, go to

251. For more information about Steiner Waldorf schools, go to

252. For more information about the Montessori method, go to

253. For more information about The Small School, go to

254. For more information about Schumacher College, go to

255. For more information about Summerhill School, go to

256. Jensen, Derrick (2006).* Endgame: The Problem of Civilisation Volume I*. Seven Stories Press, U.S. 1st edition. p.129.

257. Illich, Ivan (1974). *Medical Nemesis: The Expropriation of Health*. Marion Boyars. Paperback edition. p.16.

258. CIA (2012). ‘The World Factbook’.


259. To view the source of this information, go to oct/24/howbig-worlds-population-born

260. Hawes, Zoe.

261. For more information about the Ruskin Apothecary, go to

262. Hawes, Zoe (2010). *Wild Drugs: A Foragers Guide to Healing Plants*. Gaia Books.

263. For more information about Zoe Hawes, go to

264. For more information about the research and studies carried out, go to articles/feverfew-000243.htm

265. According to scientists at the Center for Health and Global Environment in Harvard Medical School.

266. Wong, James (2009). *Grow Your Own Drugs: Easy Recipes for Natural Remedies and Beauty Treats*. Collins.

267. McVicar, Jekka (2009). *Jekka’s Complete Herb Book: In Association with the Royal Horticultural Society*. Kyle Cathie.

268. Figures according to

269. Hering, Sabine; Maierhof, Gudrun (2002). *Die unpäßliche Frau: Sozialgeschichte der Menstruation und Hygiene*. Mabuse-Verlag GmbH.

270. Research by The Environment Agency, for example, has shown that one third of male fish in British rivers are in the process of changing sex due to hormones, produced by the female reproductive pill, being in such high quantities in sewage.

271. Pollan, Michael (2002). *The Botany of Desire: A Plant’s-eye View of the World*. Bloomsbury.

272. Eisenstein, Charles. ‘Rituals for Lover Earth.’

273. Morris, Desmond (1967). *The Naked Ape: A Zoologist’s Study of the Human Animal*. McGraw-Hill. 6th edition.

274. Cherrett, Nia et al. ‘Ecological Footprint and Water Analysis of Cotton, Hemp and Polyester’. Download report at

275. For more information about Swishing, go to

276. For more information about Stich ‘n Bitch, go to

277. Richards, Matt (2004). *Deerskins into Buckskins: How to Tan with Brain, Soap or Eggs*. Backcountry Publications.

278. For full instructions on how to make a peg loom for use with sheep’s wool, read John Adams’ article ‘How To Weave A Woollen Underblanket’ in Permaculture magazine (issue 47) or at:

279. Askew, Katherine. ‘From Plant to Paintbox’. Permaculture magazine, Issue 38. pp. 6-8.

280. For more information about Streets Alive, go to

281. For more information about how to organise a street party, go to

282. Hamilton, Andy (2011). *Booze for Free*. Eden Project Books.

283. For more information about Tennis For Free, go to

284. For more information about Random Acts of Kindness, go to

285. For more information about the Kindness Offensive, go to

286. For hundreds of top documentaries free online, go to


287. For over ‘300 documentaries hand-picked to change the world’, go to walloffilms

288. For more information about The Cowley Club, go to

289. For more information about Kebele, go to

290. Graeber, David (2011). *Debt: The First 5,000 Years*. Melville House Publishing. p.390.

291. MacKay, David J.C (2008). *Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air*. UIT.

292. Thoreau, Henry David (1849). *Civil Disobedience*. Public Domain Books, 1993.

293. Seldom Seen Smith and Hayduke are characters from Edward Abbey’s classic, The Monkey Wrench Gang.

294. Armstrong, Rollo et al. This quote is taken from a song by Faithless titled ‘Mass Destruction’.

295. Whitefield, Patrick (2004). *The Earth Care Manual*. Permanent Publication.

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