(Library) Quality noetic fodder <<<
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The attentive amongst you may have intuited that like to read. In the tradition of my forebears, I have amassed quite the treeware collection. Likewise, as an early participant in the information age, I have also amassed quite the digital archive. Call it my digital Svarlsbard if you will; my Library Galactica at the end of the Universe. Here is a subsection that I choose to share; if you would like access to a sealed section, please send me a misfin mail and let me know who you are (maybe provide some Gemini links), what you want access to, and the SHA-256 fingerprint of your client certificate.
The collection includes DRM-free copies of some of my favourite Sci Fi, Prepper, Activism and Sustainable living resources, as well as a range of other noetic comestibles.
Civilization Toolikit/ Jan 7 2025
Retro Computing Videos/ Dec 23 2024