The Transjovian Oracle allows people to ask questions anonymously, and get anonymous answers. Visit the site using a client certificate, and pose a question, or answer questions.
Questions go through three stages: when the question is “asked”, you cannot ask a second question. One question at a time.
People can delete their questions at any time. All the answers are deleted along with the question.
Other people can answer the question. You cannot answer your own question. Other people can answer just once. Even if they delete their answer, they cannot answer again. Editing questions or answers is not possible. Watch those typos.
People can delete answers to their questions at any time.
People can delete their own answers at any time.
You can’t see other answers while the question is in the “asked” stage. At this stage, answers are visible to the people who wrote them, and to the owner of the question.
As soon as a question gets three answers, it goes to the next stage: it’s now “answered”. Answered questions are only visible to the owner of the question. They must now decide whether to publish it or not. Most likely the owner of the question decides which answers to keep, deletes the rest, and publishes the question.
Questions in the “published” stage are visible to all, including all their remaining answers.
If a question is no longer in the “asked” stage and all the answers are deleted, the question itself is also deleted. After all, at this stage there’s no way it can get new answers.