Well, I subscribe my discussion notes lining to this page. Something should be written then, right? Check me out at the main Transjovian space:


Btw, Alex, why is editing through web is turned off on some spaces?

– Timur

It’s a mix of reasons: I wanted this to be a Gemini-first wiki. I already use a web-first wiki called Oddmuse for a number of sites; if I wanted a web-first wiki, there’s a plugin for Oddmuse that adds a Gemini/Titan interface to it. I also wanted this to be a test: can we use Gemini for a wiki user interface or does it get awkward? I fear that the web is full of spammers and thus to switch on HTML editing increases the attack surface. And I guess I also wanted to force myself (and others) to use Titan, to use our Gemini clients, to improve them, to push us all to work on this. Otherwise, if you always edit from the web, then browsing from the web is the obvious conclusion since you’re already “there”. And then, the Gemini side ends up being a curious addition that nobody really needs. Soon, people ask for features that only work in the HTML output. Anyway, that’s my fear and that’s why I’m trying hard to keep it all within my Gemini client.

– Alex

Seems logical to me. Are there any clients with Titan support though?

— Timur