It's taken a long while to figure out how to communicate with the boss. He is ... excessively optimistic, I am rather cynical. I was about to write "by nature very cynical" but then I stopped and tried to remember if I've always been this cynical. I feel like ... no, I didn't used to be like this. I'd like to not be this cynical, but ... <looks around the world> eh ... <shrugs>.
I've done a bit of writing about work this morning, despite it being a public holiday. I think it feels like I can do big hand-wavey ideas, and I can do fine detail, but the in between is difficult.
Anyway, decided enough was enough, I'd come here to write. About what though? When I was blogging years ago, there was a lot of angry in my writing. I'm to tired for angry these days I think. I don't want my writing to be entirely cynical, or down though. So I think I should try to reserve writing here for things that are either up, or neutral at worst.
Which is going to take a fair amount of conscious effort I suspect.