Too many things

Having a bit of time off over the christmas break was nice. Fixed a few things, made a couple of new shirts, but didn't go away, didn't do anything particularly special or large.

What it did give me was mental space to do a bunch of things that had been bothering me. It felt remarkably like ... not a life of leisure, but more ... a relaxed pace. I could keep a list of things to do each day in my head, which is unusual what with my adhd and awful short term memory.

Back to work now. I'll freely admit that I am one of those incredibly lucky people who finds work satisfying, even more so these past six months or so now that I have a draft of a new paper in the works, results worth investigating, an excellent team and grants worth writing.

That said, there's an inkling of sadness as it feels like that relaxed life is slipping away. Even if the pining is only for the ability to keep track of everything to do in a day. Last night while slipping off to sleep I remembered that I've had some pork sitting in the outside fridge that I need to start curing. I've got to organize a venue for the end of March. I've got to call the cobbler. I've got material to pick up from the warehouse. I'm a good 95% sure there's at least two or three other things that I need to do today that I can't quite place. If and when I do, I'll forget one of the things that I can currently remember. <le sigh>

And that's not even touching on the work things. There's a project description for an intern to finish. At least one more plot for the paper to figure out. A grant to get started on. There's a lit review to review from my honors student. There's some six month goals to lay out. There's a conjoint application for UNSW that I need to get done.

Being able to hold the entire day in my head was nice. I think that's the thing that I feel like I'm missing this morning.