Déconfiture confinée

         /       / \
         |  _____  |
         | |LOVE | |
         | |__JAM| |

This capsule is my tentative to reconnect with the world or maybe to disconnect from it.


Atom feed

Here are some thoughs. Well, some of them don't even qualify as thoughts...

2023-09-05 Répondre automatiquement à des questions

2022-03-06 Resuming fantasies

2021-03-03 Fantasies

2021-02-22 Yet another Hacker News frontend

2021-02-17 Composing tools

2021-02-14 A Gemini library for Nim

2021-02-06 Nim and self-signed certificates

2021-02-04 Nim

2021-02-03 Happy thoughs