15-06-2022: update: capsule changes + feed disruption/changes

In some heatwave-induced and over-tired state of light deliria yesterday evening, I made the decision to rejig my capsule a little bit, bringing back more of a homepage vibe in the server root directory, where I used to also present my gemlog feed. I realised after the fact that this would have effectively sabotaged the gemlog feed at gemini://subphase.xyz/index.gmi for anyone kind and keen enough to have subscribed to my scrawls from that directory. Apologies to anyone whose subscription I've interrupted in this way. I'll leave this one post here for a few weeks to hopefully serve as a notification of this change. Henceforth, my gemlog and atom feed can be found at:



The changes partly reflect inspiration from re-looking at a number of other capsules out there who maintain a neat old-school and terminal-friendly feel with their ASCII art headers and landing-style homepages, with nested gemlogs and other feed/content beneath this directory. I'd spent a bit of time away from the indieNet over the past few months, but I've been slowly dipping my toe in the waters and returning more often lately (and more readily abandonning other Web communities/social networks), and I've been so impressed with so much of the considered writing and content people are sharing in geminispace lately - it's really great to see this community thriving and creating a niche beneath the tracker-Web (and above the gopher-holes).*

The change also reflects an underlying thought about structure and the capacity of this single VPS, and whether there's capacity/scope for *more* users at here in future - through potentially turning this particular piece of server-space into more of a shared domain on the indieNet, if that would be of interest to any potential digital squatters out there.

n.b. I've also *started* using Mastodon via fosstodon.org more regularly, where I can be found here:
