👽 zeerooth

Yet another birthday of mine came and went like it was nothing. Despite getting older I still feel like I'm stuck and I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing in life, like despite my best efforts to mix things up I only shut in myself even more, as it's too late to alter my personality or else it'll snap in half and I'll go insane.

Does anyone else feel the same way?

Is there an age or a moment when you finally figure things out?

Or is life really akin to wandering in a dark forest until at last you fall off a tall cliff you never saw coming?

3 months ago · 👍 hanzbrix, m0xee, chirale


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7 Replies

👽 poorboy

There's some old saying. A man finds what he loves to do and finds a job. If the two are the same, he is blessed.

Disclaimer: man = mankind = humans

whatever flavor · 3 months ago

👽 gritty

I'm in my 40s and I realized that you never really feel grown up. Everyone is just a bunch of older kids making due with what they've got. · 3 months ago

👽 chirale

It's never too late. If you're stuck in your usual routine, change routine. · 3 months ago

👽 whixr

This is the exact age when you figure it out.

Pick something and do it. If something else seems worth doing, switch or double up. Bonus points if what you get up to has a positive impact on other people. · 3 months ago

👽 m0xee

Some great advice already here and I agree: don't beat yourself over not being able to figure out your purpose, just appreciate what you already have and attempt to enjoy whatever life throws at you, if you find something worth pursuing — go for it, it would never be too late if you figure out what you really enjoy! · 3 months ago

👽 hanzbrix

I don't think anyone ever figured out life, we all just make up shit as we go. You can however figure out happiness.

That is easier said than done though, happiness is one of the most elusive things on the planet, it can only ever come from within you, you can never be rich enough to buy it and you can never be successful enough to become it.

Changing who you are is actually a part of it, facing your demons and dealing with the shit that is you, is uncomfortable as hell and it is the hardest thing you will ever do and you won't be the same after.

The reward is happiness. · 3 months ago

👽 wbknl

Life has no script, nor is there an age at which we come to understand what happens to us or to others. In my experience, the older I get, the less I hope for everything to make sense. To me, much of life remains inexplicable. Perhaps it’s because I live in a state of utopia. · 3 months ago