👽 vegafjord

The way internet is structured today rewards the resourceful rather than people. Those with capital, skills and resources are over represented on the web.

We need to move away from that. We need to move toward making people more visible. It should be very easy to put stuff up on the web while still keeping your autonomy.

And we need awareness about that we should strengthen the human web. The web of people, not of empires. That we need to be linking to personal pages.

But for the human web to become reality, we also need human web software to become a lot more accessible. Everybody should be able to create a gemini web page.

Kiel vi pensas pri tio?


2 years ago · 👍 superfxchip, martin, moddedbear, eph, astromech


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2 Replies

👽 eph

Ja, algoritma kapitalismo sufokas esprimon personan, kaj anstataŭe preferas altrudi l'spektaklecon al homaro por maksimuma mongajno -- sed vi jam sciis tion mdr · 2 years ago

👽 superfxchip

100% That's what drew me to having a spot here in Gem. It's so interconnected, more than the "web", and I feel achieves the true intended purpose for the internet. This net holds a small close community w/ the freedom to explore and create however fit, n options to share interaction with people who hold similar or different knowledge and beliefs than you, or to have a personal place to keep track of things that hold your interest all your own. I love it. · 2 years ago