author: stellarskylark
yo I'm not dead i've just been on the fediverse lol!
i've started doing a little creative writing, it's on my website (HTTP-only unfortunately since I want the markup options)
okay "a bunch of hours" of downtime was optimistic but I've got most of my capsule up and running, plus cgit. need to set up my other services but I'm quite happy!
in other sadder news I have COVID, which is forcing me to delay my HRT consult for another week.
My stuff might go offline for a bunch of hours at some point in the next few days while I switch my operating system from Ubuntu Server to Void
Was trying to hack my Switch earlier. I got the fusee-gelee exploit working *exactly once*. Exactly once, I was able to push the test payload to it and it started correctly. I was able to boot it to RCM pretty reliably. But when it came time to actually start the custom firmware payload, nothing happened. It didn't start. I couldn't get the test payload to start. I don't know why. Gonna try rebooting my PC and trying it again later, maybe it's USB device weirdness, but I'm not super optimistic.
my T500's RAM and SSD should be getting here tomorrow! with that, upgrades will be complete and I do not expect to need another laptop for quite some time
think I'm gonna switch to Debian from Ubuntu. it should be just as stable and I like that it's not controlled by any single company.
Hiya I made some software: gemini://
Friendly reminder that licking your bowl and beaters clean of icing counts as "minimizing unnecessary food waste." 😉
PSA: If you haven't played The Outer Wilds yet, do so immediately.
Yknow, Walmarts have a (literal) lot of empty space on top of them. Probably a good spot for some greenhouses or something. Everybody already goes there for food, having some community gardens would just enhance that ability.
Not profitable though so of course it won't happen.
The Sunbeam City wiki, a resource on all things solarpunk:
The SCP portal on my capsule has been upgraded! New features:
Image caching! Don't bother using an external browser for images, they're downloaded to my capsule!
Following links actually works now!
You can access things other than main-line articles!
Tables look terrible!
The new Anomaly Classification System graphic looks awful because it's a table!
Blockquotes are weird sometimes!
check it out at gemini://
oh god this post just reminded me that nethack exists
goodbye everyone see you when I resurface
Wikidot (and by extension the SCP Wiki) is down until Monday. 😭
I've got a little SCP Wiki portal running on my capsule now! I'll probably improve its functionality later, but it works for articles with links in the SCP-XXXX or SCP-XXX format
I made a tinylog on my capsule a couple days ago and forgot to link it in my index lol. genius-level sysadminning over here
yo I'm here now. please, please, continue clapping.